Someone who is an “expert” on fighting terrorism with torture, illegal wars and the unlimited detentions of US citizens, taxi drivers and sheep herders from the safety of his undisclosed bunker pops his head out to tell us the sky will be falling — soon, any day now, trust me — and it will be Obama and the Democrats’ fault, naturally:

Cheney said Obama would regret his commitment to closing down the Guantanamo Bay internment camp and ending harsh interrogations of terrorism suspects.

“These are evil people. And we’re not going to win this fight by turning the other cheek,” he said in the interview, conducted at an office near Cheney’s new home in Washington’s Virginia suburbs.

He said the “ultimate threat” facing the country since the September 11 attacks of 2001 was if extremists can unleash “a nuclear weapon or a biological agent of some kind” in the center of a US city.

“That’s the one that would involve the deaths of perhaps hundreds of thousands of people, and the one you have to spend a hell of a lot of time guarding against,” Cheney said.

“I think there’s a high probability of such an attempt,” he added.

“Whether or not they can pull it off depends whether or not we keep in place policies that have allowed us to defeat all further attempts, since 9/11, to launch mass-casualty attacks against the United States.”

Haven’t we heard this broken record endless YouTube loop before from the man who made billions for his former company while it electrocuted our troops and served them contaminated water? Besides, doesn’t he know that we have a fictional hero by the name of Jack Bauer who will protect us? I hear he’s been doing it for years.