In case you have not seen it yet…
Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, that lightning rod of sociopolitical controversy, continues his provocative cinematic crusade with this incendiary, highly critical examination of the greed fueling America’s private enterprise health care system.
On Showtime Showcase 02/09/09 at 5:55 PM More Airings
On Demand Available from 02/06/09 to 03/05/09
It’s popcorn time! And it is darn entertaining.
It airs again tonight in a few minutes…
02/08/09 at 6:45 PM
I have updated the diary to reflect today’s scheduled showing. This will be a RECURRING UPDATE as long as this diary remains on the sidebar >>>over there.>>>
Well, there was an interesting scene that was cut from Sicko. Here it is:
Full disclosure; I know the UNICEF-guy interviewed in the latter half…
I still find the Norway story part somewhat shocking even if I have seen it before.