Who says wingnuts can’t do cutting edge satire? You want proof? Why just sample this tasty dish from Pajama Media’s own Michael Ledeen and tell me he isn’t the next Jonathan Swift:
What is happening now–and Newsweek [a reference to Newsweek’s We’re all Socialists Now issue] is honest enough to say so down in the body of the article–is an expansion of the state’s role, an increase in public/private joint ventures and partnerships, and much more state regulation of business. Yes, it’s very “European,” and some of the Europeans even call it “social democracy,” but it isn’t.
It’s fascism. Nobody calls it by its proper name, for two basic reasons: first, because “fascism” has long since lost its actual, historical, content; it’s been a pure epithet for many decades. Lots of the people writing about current events like what Obama et. al. are doing, and wouldn’t want to stigmatize it with that “f” epithet. […]
Back in the early thirties, before “fascism” became a pure epithet, leading politicians and economists recognized that it might work, and many believed it was urgently required. When Roosevelt was elected in 1932, in fact, Mussolini personally reviewed his book, Looking Forward, and the Duce’s bottom line was, “this guy is one of us.”
Great, just great stuff. And I have to admit that, much as I have criticized Ledeen in the past, this is just an amazing piece he’s written. He’s taken this essay to a place in the literary canon few have ever visited, one only the Great Jonah Goldberg with his comic masterpiece “Liberal Fascism” has colonized before.
What? What’s that you say? He’s dead serious? Come on now. Who could call out both Obama and FDR as fascists in the same article and mean it? Only a dunce of monumental proportions would describe the modern Democratic party as an offshoot of the Nazis or Mussolini’s Blackshirts. A dunce — or a comic genius, that is. Well, I leave it to you to judge which label best fits Michael Ledeen.
Either way, it’s funny as hell.
Tip a me hat to Roy at alicublog
The funniest part is that Ledeen has ties to the modern-day fascist movement in Italy and has maintained those ties for over thirty years.
Well, what do you expect from people whose tactics include the Big Lie?
On the positive side, perhaps more people on the left will now educate themselves about Italian fascism, which is, as far as I can tell, the operating model for the neo-conservative movement. German fascism was an altogether more complicated beast, where fascism as such was merely a vehicle for German imperialism and racism, and when studying it, it is difficult to determine where fascism ends and other, long-established evils begin.
Mussolini and the Italian fascist intellectual circles that revolved around him, on the other hand, are the real deal in a relatively pure form. Reading their writings is like, well, reading the neocon writings of the past twenty years, only with fewer weasel words: the novelty of 20th century fascism allowed it to operate much more openly than 21st century fascism, now that we’re wise to their tricks.
It’s fortunate for us that our fascists were just as incompetent as Italy’s fascists, and not like the German fascists, who were ultimately hamstrung only by their impatience and tendency to overreach. (That, and the Red Army, which also helped keep the Republicans from trampling all over the Bill of Rights by presenting a negative example that American civil libertarians could point to whenever the GOP got out of hand.)
The key thing to remember about fascists is that they never, ever give up. And barring some change in human nature, we will always have to maintain eternal vigilance to keep them from taking over again.
Here’s a lengthy excerpt from the American Conservative about Ledeen’s ties to Italian Fascism.
So is he trying to attack FDR, Obama et al or is he trying to spin them as being on his side? Only the voices in Ledeen’s head know for sure.
These people really are hilarious as they struggle to gild wingnuttery with a plastic coating of what they imagine to be intellectual penetration. Between him and Lowry and Goldberg, what we end up with is a nonstop Three Stooges marathon as performed by 5th graders. Cute as hell, but it would a more gratifying spectacle if people would just quit giving the kids guns.
As all the Reactionary Fascist Regimes showed, mass media are the keys to modern mass movements. And, unfortunately, the Fascists now control the mass media, thanks to capitalism and consolidation.
Once upon a time, campaign finance reform would have been sufficient to restore the possibility of a resurgent “American Revolution.” Now, however, public media control, total deconsolidation, and thorough media democratization are necessary to block the threat of the Masters of the Mind.
The only reason flaks like Ledeen and the Fox News lineup of lackeys, as well as the radio ranters are able to disseminate their lies is that very wealthy people are paying a lot of money to clog the airwaves with bigotry, fascism, and economic royalism.
Get the money out of politics and media and the fascists will collapse.
Wow. Domestic wiretapping, torture, rendition, Guantanamo, Abu Gharib, black site prisons, corporate de-regulation, massive wealth transfer to the elite, secret Gov’t meetings (e.g. US Energy Dept), the unitary executive privilege, racism (overt = middle easterners and sublime = Obama), religious intolerance (of Islam), patronage, political hirings, political jurisprudence, the “redneck shirts” for Sarah Palin, etc., etc. is the norm. But public/ private collaboration on things like education, infrastructure, healthcare, etc is fascism? What massive takeover of democracy did I miss? Are Goehring and Goebels now the language architects of right wing thought?
Oh wait a minute, Jonah has that job. Nevermind.
Just fyi, Steven: ‘Michael Ledeen’ in your first graf links back to your post.
EIther you’ve made a mistake or we’ve finally crashed the cosmic doughnut-hole.
..to encourage them to look up American neo-nazi and neo-fascist sites and organizations, and urge them to join the message board or email the founder, and ASK the self-proclaimed nazis and fascists WHO THEY VOTE FOR and WHY.
Because, you know, self-proclaimed fascists and Nazis don’t vote for progressives, and they sure as hell don’t vote for black presidents.
They vote Republican. Every time. Oh, and know what else? They’ll profess their love for Michael Ledeen.