Recent Posts
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
New day, new cafe…
How is everyone on this fine Thursday?
We had a bit of snow but it’s more than offset that having a fine puppy belly to adore. 🙂
We had snow yesterday, but I think it degenerated into mist and rain by evening. I did get to go for a walk around the local college campus in it, though (my friend works there, and we decided we should have lunchtime walks together for stress reduction).
What are you up to today?
Nothing doing here. You?
I have some phone calls to make, laundry and paperwork to take care of… I think I’ll take a walk after the sky clears up a little…and I have yoga class tonight.
Nothing very exciting. I finished up what work I had for the week on Tuesday afternoon.
Have you decided to re-start your PhD program?
Yep. That’s part of the phone calls and paperwork today.
I’m having a little trouble with the whole “Go, Gators!” aspect of it… 😉
I don’t think distance learning requires sports team enthusiasm. 🙂
if only you knew how I feel about Florida and Gators…spent too much time there as a kid. 🙂
Luckily, I won’t have to go any further than Philadelphia for class, and the tuition is half what it was at the local institution of higher learning.
Well you can use some of the saved money to buy yourself a cute stuff alligator and you’re all set. 🙂
I have a morbid fear of alligators. Any non-ocean body of water in Florida is therefore suspect. And I can’t even think of kayaking there, because the gators could swim under the boat. ugh.
I am such a wimp.
This week’s theme is Close Up. Let’s get up close and personal (impersonal is okay too).
And for anyone who didn’t see it in the last cafe, here’s keres most recent puppy movie.
Morning, everyone.
I have a funny Valentine story about my son and his serious girlfriend who goes to school 3 hours away:
There is a lesson in there somewhere. Several of them prolly.
That is freaking hilarious!
I guess he’s lucky she didn’t feel a need to attack the intruder with her weapons of choice. 🙂
It probably wouldn’t have been the first time he’d been smacked with a beer bottle.
How are the rest of the Nature Kids doing, if you don’t mind my asking.?
We are doing great and enjoying life. There have been layoffs and other things going on, but we’re rolling with the punches. It’s fantastic to all be together.
How are things at the cabin? I’ll bet you’ve got a bit of spring fever.
We’re all hanging in there. We had good weather last week, so w’re ready to make it through the last few weeks of winter. Which are flying by, now that I think of it. Had fun helping the CBs make Valentine presents for their girlfriends…it reminded all 3 of us of when they were smaller and we did stuff like that all the time (okay, no girlfriends were involved, but you know what I mean).
Work has been deadly slow, so I’ve had some time to explore my other options lately…and I’m really getting into the swing of not working much. Sadly, that will have to come to an end soon. :/
I could get into not working much. 😉
It’s fun at first, but after a certain amount of time, the charm seems to wear off a little.
Maybe if I won the lottery… 🙂
There you go.
I’ve heard you have to buy the tickets to do that. Which pretty much nixes the possibility for me.
Morning everyone.
At least it’s Friday here.
That must be my problem…I’m too cheap to buy a ticket. 🙂
Good morning. We still have a few hours to wait for the arrival of Friday…
You’re not too cheap, you’re just good at math.
It’s time to start my first load of puppy towels. Yay.
If you stop by before you go to bed, I would like to point out that this cafe looks very plain and unhappy without any puppy pictures posted in it.
Does this help?
oh yes.
thank you.
And even though it’s a bit off, I’m now going to spend the day humming ‘she came in through the bathroom window’.
Friday Foto Flog is up … come post your close-ups. 🙂
Btw — Obama endeared himself to Ottawans yesterday. The people just loved him.
How wonderful to hear that our new president is a welcome guest, instead of a boorish jerk like the last guy. 🙂
I am so happy it’s Friday.
I’m all bummed out — we lost our warm(ish) weather and it’s not coming back till sometime next week. I am soooo ready for spring.
It’s cold and windy here today. As in, “We now return you to your regularly scheduled February.”
I think I may got to yoga class this morning instead of a walk. Much warmer. 😉
I’m ready for spring too. Is it really supposed to warm back up next week?
We got snow last night. Enough winter already.
Depends on what you define as warm — for here, the forecast is for the low 40s by Tuesday.
I tend to think anything over 40 is tolerable, especially if there isn’t any wind.
It’s unpleasantly cold and windy here today.
We be chilly too, in the middle of a somewhat colder than normal Feb. But at least it’s sunny. Things are a’sprouting everywhere.
Over here, FM.
We’re about to spam up the foto blog…
Talking of ski resort, young asklet is the lucky participant in a weekend school outing to Mt. Snow in Vermont this weekend. I just checked and the conditions will be great (apart from the cold). Nine inches of fresh powder.
On that note, below is the most insane descent of a mountain ever done:
Embedding is disabled, but you won’t regret clicking the link.
Slightly different version:
Glad the asklet is getting to go skiing. The last time I skied up there (in NH) it was so icy that I was on my back end more than the skies.
I watched the youtubes and that was insane. Of course when I was young……….. 🙂
Hi there. Sorry I missed you this afternoon. Real life regularly interferes with my blog life.
Come back soon.
Hey, maryb, long time. Been over at the Great Orange Satan a bit, but mostly it’s work, kids, that sort of thing. How goes?
Well hi! It’s been a long time. I’ve seen you over at GOS every once in a while, but I haven’t been there much the last few months.
I’m good. Same as you – real life is taking up most of my time.
How is your baseball playing daughter? Still playing? Big people opening day less than 45 days away. 🙂
Yup. Little League practices start next week here. The 11-y.o. is hoping to play Little League Majors, and her sister (9) will play the next level down on the team I coach.
Pitchers and catchers…
Last summer I was chatting over the fence with my 91-year-old neighbor during a family get-together he was having. Children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were all over the place.
He showed particular pride, however, in pointing out his eleven-year-old great-granddaughter who, he told me, beaming, had stolen home in a little league game that weekend. (I wanted to jump over the fence, go to her, and ask, “How do you do that? Even against eleven-year-olds? Sheesh.”)
The pride this very old man took in his home-stealing great-granddaughter was something inspiring.
Ask has me dreaming I was slushing down the snow again.
One thing about slushing and slacking. Oh the dreams. 😉
Well I hope you started dreaming right after you posted this.
Good morning!
Up since 5, third cup of coffee :/
Morning, ask. I got to bed at 2 and up at 7. I guess that’s good. I did a bit of wine-induced emailing late in the night and, really, that’s never a good thing. I read that Gmail had introduced a feature to prevent that sort of thing, where you have to answer a bunch of questions testing your sobriety before you could hit send. Seems like a damn fine idea this morning. :/
Maybe you’ll get lucky and it’ll get caught in the spam filter.
It? Try THEM. :/
You were quite the overachiever last night, weren’t you? 🙂
I hope the god of the spam filter reaches out it’s fickle finger and savers you from an embarassing fate.
So, it’s Saturday morning, a day I can sleep in, and someone snores endlesly from 5 am on. grr.
Sleep apnea? Apparently the mister was waking up more than 80 times an hour and now uses that bi-pap thingey and doesn’t snore anymore. Something his 16 years younger girlfriend no doubt appreciates.
It’s not sleep apnea…
I bet that bi-pap thingey is just a joy in itself, no snoring required.
What are you up to this fine weekend?
Two of my kids have the flu. So, I’m running out to the store this morning to get an organic chicken and do the chicken soup mother thing. It’s the first time anyone’s been sick around here in forever.
Okay, I’ll hope for many over-exuberant spam filters.
Or you could just get more wine so you won’t care.
I’m delighted to let you be the first one up. 🙂
That’s what I need…
Hi Family Man! Hope the back problem lightens up soon!
Gnarly dude!
Absolutely gnarly!
(I learned the meaning of the expression from watching that video and then google it…)
I had the benefit of a son who lived in CO for four years solely to ski & snowboard. He’s back home now, so no more free room for mom & dad in the mountains:(
We missed episode 2 of Dollhouse last night with kid-chauffeuring duties (why did I think it was on at 8?), and I just went over to read someone’s blog, and I started to read the first post (which was about Dollhouse Ep 2), and realized “WAIT! You haven’t seen this yet!”
I think I’m going to download it and watch later today. If you saw it, was it any good?
It was better than the first episode but I’m not still having ambivalent feelings toward the show. I’ll keep watching though.
Off to run errands. Have a good one.
This is why the Friday night spot is the kiss of death.
But hulu is great.
Just finished watching it on hulu.
Yeah, 9 pm on Friday night is a brutal timeslot.
Morning everyone (well, late morning anyway).
Luna’s been leaking milk the last few days (as in puddles), and the pups have started eating some meat, so I’ve cut way back on her food in an attempt to curb her milk production. Which means she’s a bit stressed and was therefore up and down, in and out, all last night. Not good for the humans trying to get some sleep. [Yawn]
Aw, poor girl. I bet she feels uncomfortably full.
She seems less full today. At least she’s not leaking as much. It seems cruel to starve them for a few days, but it really does dry up the milk.
The pups have started soliciting meat from her (i.e. licking and chewing at her lips, which is what wild pups do to get mum to throw-up some pre-chewed meat [and you thought your dog licks your face because he loves you] so it seems like the right time to start the weaning process properly.
There’s no way you could have known this, but I came down with a case of the barfies today and that sentence about throwing up pre-chewed meat was, um, pretty harsh. 🙂
Sorry to hear about your day with “Chuck”. And especially sorry that I added to your discomfort in any way.
I’ve spent the last few hours with a woman “auditioning” for the role puppy momma. Happily she passed, and in about three weeks The Dude be leaving us for a nice home on diary goat farm. It’s up in the mountains so he’ll get lots of snow as well. Pretty much the ideal home for a Pyrenean.
Oh, what a life The Dude is going to have! Which one are you keeping?
We don’t know yet. The owner of the papa of the litter has first pick, and she wants a girl. She’ll fly down when the pups are seven weeks old and choose which one she’ll take one home with her. Imogen and I each favor a different girl pup for ourselves, so one of us will be a little disappointed whatever her choice.
Even though I knew you weren’t going to keep all of them but the thought of any of them leaving is really sad. And I’m not even there — it must be really tough for you.
Yes, and no. As much as I enjoy having the pups I’ll also enjoy having my life back when the two of them are gone to their new homes.
Raising one pup to ‘doghood’ will keep me plenty occupied and entertained.
Awww…they grow up too fast, don’t they?
It sounds like he’s going to a wonderful home.
Dreaming about the days when some women will come along and take your “puppies” off your hands? 😉
We can wait a bit longer for that…
I just realized that the Oscars are tonight! And Wall-E is the only nominated movie I’v seen. I guess I’ll just have to watch for the clothes. 🙂
I’ve seen Wall-E and Slumdog. But I don’t think it would matter if I’d seen everything — I don’t have the necessary attention span to watch the oscars. If they would do the whole thing in two hours, I’d be a lot more willing to watch.
I have a lousy teevee-watching attention span. I think my favorite part is watching the red-carpet bit; the heck with the handing out of the statues. 🙂
Keres – I hope The Dude will keep his name, I just love that.
Enjoy him while you can and remember his avid fans back here at the pond – photos, photos, photos.
Good late morning all. Back to work tomorrow after my 3 day weekend. Ugh.
Ack! Don’t remind me!
I totally missed the Red Carpet so I’ll just await BooMan’s in depth gown analysis. 🙂
Me too. We gave up our TV 2 1/2 years ago when we realized we were paying $80 a month to see a couple of Daily Shows a week and an occasional Mystery on PBS. Now we just fire up the box to see a free DVD from the county library every now & then. If I missed it, I could stop by the local bar where my kid bartends, but so far, not much.
Someone I know who’s a college professor happened to mention offhand in his class one day that there’d been no TV in his family of four for a couple of years.
The word must have been passed along, because shortly thereafter, a student reporter for the campus newspaper came to his office during office hours. “Dr. ___? I hear that your family has no TV. Is that true?”
“Uh — yes.”
“That’s really interesting!” she said, pulling out her notepad. “Can I come in and ask you about it?”
“Sure,” he said, somewhat puzzled at the attention. They sat down in the office.
“So, what led you to this? Were you disturbed by the influence of the media? Or was it more that you thought television, in particular, has a harmful effect? Or –” There were various questions in this vein.
He answered, “Actually, it wasn’t any kind of stand or decision. The TV broke down and at first I didn’t get around to having it fixed. Eventually, we all just sort of forgot about it.”
She stared at him, uncomprehendingly, for several moments. Blinked. Blinked again.
Then, she burst forth: “Oh — that’s really interesting!”