Tonight at 6 PM Eastern Time on Blog Talk Radio:

Ed Encho, Gottlieb and I will be covering various current events; then spending some enjoyable scathing commentary on the Douchebag Mouth-breathers of the Neo Con Bobbing Head Nation.

Is Rove getting a “pass”?

How did Afghanistan get to be Obama’s war anyway, speaking of which, he gets his one month review.

The Poison if Bipartisan-sinking-ship.

World response to the American drain-al flush of their economies, as well as our simpering response to our economic hell at home.

Late breaking news included as needed….

Followed by a rousing disembowelment of Rush, O’Reilly, Hannity, Coulter, Malkin, Beck and Michael Savage. What could be more enjoyable than THAT????

The call in number is 646-929-1264

Link to the show, listen live stream on your pc!

The live chat link will be active after 5:30.

Be there!!!!

Call in and be heard, Boo-ers!