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A blogger named Ed J posted the following comment on a Booman post (The Liberal Craving for Partisan Language) regarding President Obama’s choices regarding how he talks about what he is doing.

I’d like [Obama] to explain why this is…”necessary and will benefit the country”:

Obama Widens Missile Strikes Inside Pakistan


Two strikes targeted a militant network that seeks to topple the Pakistani government but has not had a major role in attacks on U.S. troops.

I’m fearing nightmares in which Obama clears brush on a Texas ranch.

My answer to this comment follows.

(I’ll give you a hint…it’s about the real world as opposed to the lefitness dream worlds in which so many bloggers seem to live. Bet on it.)

You’d like him to explain it to you, eh Ed?  I will explain it to you instead. (President Obama’s a little…busy now.)

Until I actually experienced a few weeks in North Africa recently I did not realize the depth of the hatred that is building in the Muslim and/or Arabic world for the United States and Judeo-Christian/Greco-Roman Western Civilization in general. It is already more deeply ingrained in the population than was opposition to the U.S. in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. (I was there for a while, too. You can smell things like that on the street if you have developed a good enough nose.) A great deal of this viral surge has to do with the power of the media. Just as is the case in the U.S., the media makes up the vast majority of the people’s so-called minds in those countries, and in the Muslim world these media are either blatantly trying to impose Western values upon the population or equally blatantly preaching anti-Western hatred. The hatred is winning, mostly because the westward-leaning stations are simply regurgitating the same crap that works in the West but looks ludicrous in the face of conditions in the Muslim world. What possible connection to Law and Order or CNN News can be felt by a working class or below Egyptian or Pakistani living in relative poverty under a fierce and vicious military dictatorship? (Remember…we exported prisoners to these places so that they could be tortured by real, highly experienced experts in the field.) Please. It’s ludicrous ion the face of it. But some finger-shaking mullah exhorting the people to follow Allah’s (supposed) way against The Great Satan even if it means martyrdom? Hell…that’s music to their ears.

So it goes.

The viral spread of this hatred has already reached epidemic proportions no matter what you may hear from pacifists and apologists of other sorts in this culture and there is not a goddamned thing that we can do about it except try to back offa their feed trough and continue to set up defenses in case the backing off is not successful in halting the ongoing rush to jihad.

There it is. Like it or lump it.

Notice that Barack Obama has aged about 10 years in the last few months?

Check it out.

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He has seen  the naked truth of the matter, perhaps for the first time. People have walked into his office and laid it all out for him. Bet on it. Not ideologues…pros. Professional trouble watchers on any number of levels, probably mostly people who were not allowed within a mile of Preznit Butch for fear of queering the ongoing multi-trillion dollar Iraq hustle . We are now caught between a number of rocks and an equal number of hard places. We are caught economically AND militarily, the result of 60+ years of misgovernment. The alarm bells are going off on the bridge of the USS Titanic and the Captain is beginning to realize the seriousness of its position.

And he is doing what he can to both buy some time and lessen the seriousness of the multiple impacts that are still to come.

You write:

Two strikes targeted a militant network that seeks to topple the Pakistani government but has not had a major role in attacks on U.S. troops.

That is utter bullshit. The so-called “Pakistani government” is a jury-rigged construct that is held in place by military force and functions (at least partially) as a creature of Western forces. The equally so-called “opposition” is trying to bring it down so that they can run the country as a totally anti-Western construct, and if you think that such an eventuality doesn’t potentially mean more dead Americans then you have your head so far up your ass that you are mistaking your polyps for Katie Couric’s new hairdo. (By the way, if this thing goes nuclear those dead Americans could quite possibly include you and your loved ones out there in Topeka or wherever the hell you think that are living. )

Obama as Bush?

I think not.

He may be many things and not all of them good, but he is NOT an ignorant, powerless Cheney-run figurehead. He is a hands-on president and he will be hands-on for another four years minimum if of course some segment of the PermaGov does not decide to take him out first.

Get used to it.

He has been handed a nearly impossible job and he is doing what he can to bring us through this crisis. He has the lives of millions balanced in his hands and he is most obviously a good-hearted man.

I do not envy him.

Don’t pile your shit on top of his load. It is liable to be the turd that breaks the camel’s back.

MAN I am growing to dislike the leftiness clone world!!!
