Conservatives, to protest the imminent descent of our nation into unmitigated socialism, should immediately reject and return immediately to the federal government all federal benefits they receive or have received, on principle. That is, all benefits received under social security, medicare, student loans, small business loans, FHA loans, etc. And to be fair they should take their kids out of all public schools and any colleges or universities which receive federal funding in any way, shape or form. And any conservative church receiving federal aid should do likewise. The Lord will provide, I’m sure, if those congregations just pray hard enough and show enough faith in Jesus.
Oh, and let’s not forget unemployment benefits. After all, any real conservative worth his or her salt would be ashamed to take them. Right?
There. I just think I’ve solved the Federal Government’s deficit problem.
Hear Frackin’ HEAR!!!!
Look at it this way, Steve…now you see clearly who is running for 2012. The GOP fundiegovs led by Bobby Jindal, Haley Barbour, and Mark Sanford are doing just that: rejecting hundreds of millions of stimulus bucks for unemployment benefits and environmental improvements.
Just so they can run in the 2012 primary. Millions of Americans will go without for political posturing of these preening idiots.
And of course, you’re right…they should reject all Federal aid money across the board.
Someone is proposing that the money that ReWhacked governors refuse should be redivided among the rest of the states. That should shut up Bobby Jindal.
Of course it should – it certainly shouldn’t just lie there unused if they refuse to use it.
If Jindal wants to give it up, they can send it up here to Ohio. Our unemployment compensation program is hurting quite a lot now, thanks to a combination of the down economy and Republican mismanagement of the Executive branch of our government up until 2006.
Arnold said that California would take any money that anyone else didn’t want.
do governors have the authority to simply reject the stimulus money for their state?
the devil’s in the details:
think any lege’s are going to turn it down?……me neither.
whata bunch posturing by a pack of maroons.
GOP are Ostriches with asses up in the air as financial capitalism is declared dead. Soon it’ll look like 1913 instead of 2008.
for the GOP wingers, Bush’s TARP of $700 billion for banksters was the right thing to do. Under the Obama administration a $75 billion package to underpin mortgage relief for ordinary people is socialism.
These are the same people who’ll critique Obama for not doing enough to rescue the mess they created.
Pretty frustrating, and scary as hell. I still have a job, but I can’t help but wonder at the thickness of the ice I’m working on.
“be prepared for harsh times.” And that’s from leadership not known for hyperbole or scare mongering.
international trade IS frozen. No letters of Credit, the payment system in trade, followed by actual rationing of US$ in some countries.
be prepared for disruptions in distribution including preferred foods and pharma Rx. {Argentina No: 1 exporter of beef will not export in 2010; in fact they’ll need to import. Sure to impact your meat, hamburger supplies – radio BBC World Update).
I wonder how many conservatives are watching the Oscars tonight. I hear there’s going to be some reference to “change in America.” Hmmm!
They should also refuse to drive on any highway or freeway, never complain over a pot hole.
Dig their own well and never again use the local water system. The toilet? Forget it, use their back yard. Electricity is also out of bounds, it’s a government licensed monopoly.
If anyone needs any advise on how to crush a wingnut when they start blathering about socialism mention all of the above.
I once had one respond with ‘I don’t consider those socialism, I consider them civilization’. I said ‘OH!, So you agree socialism brought us civilization. Then we agree’.
Use it!
Won’t work, at least not for these hardcore SoCal Republicans. I know; I lived in the OC.
Highways/freeways? They should all be toll roads. “Why should I pay for a road I’m not using …”
Local water system? Should be private, not government-run. “Why should I pay for pipes I’m not using …”
Electricity? Well, I guess we all know about that.
You do have to say one thing for ’em; they’re actually fairly consistent. They want to abolish public funding for everything except police and fire departments and prisons. And the police and fire departments they want funded by district so that, you know, their hard-earned dollars don’t go to protecting some neighborhood of shiftless poor people.
I found them, by and large, far more extreme than the Repubs I’ve met in the south.
Heck, if their house is burning down, they should turn away the fire department (even volunteer depts get state funds).