The best part about this speech other than the fact that Bush isn’t delivering it, is that Dick Cheney won’t be nodding off in the background.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Michelle looks nice. New haircut.
My first thought was – WTF? She’s wearing a sleeveless dress in February?
I hear Barack keeps the heat jacked up. Maybe Congress does, too.
It’s probably hot as hell in that balcony with the crowd and all the lights. But still. Sleeveless in February?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg looked good.
Pelosi looks like she just up from a nap. What’s with that get-up?
Hillary is…uh…bright.
No brighter than usual.
I know some people don’t like her bright colors but I always have.
I like the creams and yellows.
secretary solis!!!! i just wanted to type that.
do it again!
secretary solis!!!!
i can’t wait for her to throw down the gauntlet when the upcoming fight ensues for the Employee Free Choice Act.
Woo Hoo!
Clarence Thomas will probably still be annoying me in 2039, assuming I’m alive.
Biden seems really partial to the metallic blue tie. It does look good on him.
Nancy must be so thrilled not to sit next to Dick anymore.
No doubt.
Barack goes for the red-tie. Enjoy the dark hair because it will be white by next year.
where’s Joe Lieberman to give Barack a kiss?
The First Lady is in purple.
Cover me with a sheet and bury me in the morning. I am so dead.
And, as usual, they crowd the main aisle like pigs at a trough ….
At least it isn’t John McCain to refuse them their earmarks =)
who’s pitching a tent? Chuck Todd said something about someone pitching a tent.
The first congress people there to get aisle seats showed up at 8 this morning. He was joking that next year they’d be pitching tents in the hallway to get there first.
There are so many wonderful things here…
Not just Obama’s smile (he is so personable)
Not just Guinsberg’s presence (I’m in awe of her)
Not just the cabinet (Chu! Solis! Clinton!)
Not just the fact that Tweety just put down Jindall lower than low, and more accurately than I’ve ever heard him described.
Not just the fact that the nation has totally forgotten shrub and relegated him to the brush heap.
But the fact that the nation is looking forward!
Okay, when will the Republicans refuse to stand and applaud?
there are no Republicans on my teevee!!
Obama is going to explain how the GOP screwed us.
blam, the surplus became an excuse to give money to wealthy rather than to invest in our future.
Threw a bone to those who blame homeowners – people bought houses they knew they couldn’t afford.
politicians like jobs.
There ya go – no Republicans standing.
did you see him staring at the Republicans when he talked about the Stimulus Bill.
Did McConnell just swallow his tongue?
His timing on this speech seems off – he’s talking too fast.
I missed the joke, what was so funny?
Nobody messes with Joe!
When we learn that a major bank has “serious problems” we’ll … blah, blah blah. No details.
Probably better without details – but what does it mean to hold a bank wholly accountable?
Lieberman looks like he sucking on a lemon.
So far this speech isn’t doing it for me. I hope it gets better.
That intro into the energy portion of the Budget was well done.
Clean coal? FAIL!
Try again..
Note that little power plant in the drawing? Biofeul ‘reactors’ feeding on CO2 produced by fossil fuel plants while producing ethanol, diesel and airplane feul at the same time. Not ‘clean’, but one hell of a lot better.
Let’s be real and agree that no coal energy production is a looooong way off – and also that completely clean coal is never going to happen at all.
I fail to see how that means we can’t invest in cleaning up coal energy even while we try to move past it.
We should also agree that there is ample reason to invest in mitigating what ill effects of coal energy production we can, since we produce an immense proportion of our energy with it currently.
There is no practical argument for just shutting down coal energy production before there is something to replace it.
If you don’t like coal, there should be taxation related to it’s use that would increase investment in other fuels or less polluting coal energy production (especially if pegged to emmissions), not some knee jerk against what is likely keeping your computer running right now.
mmmm love Jill’s suit.
Nancy is a little enthusiastic about SCHIP.
heh. Pelosi couldn’t stand up to applaud fast enough when SCHIP was mentioned.
his budget calls for a ‘down payment’ on universal health care? Sounds like they’re going piecemeal.
Committed to health care reform this year. But again, no details.
McCain is trying to shoot lasers out of his eyes but he doesn’t have that capability.
he must have a cold or something. he’s got the chapped/red nostril thing going strong tonight
you quit high school, you quit on your country.
Strong language.
that was good
take a drink – he said bipartisan.
Lindsey Graham…talk about a doughy pantload…
This seems too much like a campaign speech. Without the excitement of a campaign speech.
I wish there was more of “and that’s why I ask Congress to …”
nah, that’s what Clinton did in his first speech. He kept asking Congress to do this and do that. They didn’t do it.
Well, this speech needs something. Cuz I’m not buying it.
you bought it all a year ago. You want a refund?
Sure, I bought it as a campaign speech. Now he’s president. This speech doesn’t seem very presidential to me.
FU to big agro.
heh, the Republicans couldn’t decide whether or not to stand up on the the lines about not raising taxes on people making under a quarter of a million dollars.
they we’re trying not have their head’s explode.
what did he just say about Social Security?
The eyes of the world ..
This part is good.
I love that the man is blushing.
That little girl might be the best part of the night.
Well, I give him a “B”. Strong finish. And the reason the finish was strong was because it seemed serious. Hopeful but serious.
The rest of the speech was ok but not great.
I thought that the smiling faces of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden behind him detracted from the seriousness of the moment. And all the self-congratulatory applause of the Democrats also detracted from the seriousness of the moment. But .. that’s just the nature of these types of speeches. It’s almost impossible to be serious amidst all the ridiculous politics that goes on.
They were totally distracting. (cg here)
and … the President of the United States shouldn’t be signing autographs.
lol – the fiscal stimulus bill was bipartisan because many Republican governors supported it.
Ludicrous but I give him credit for creative thinking.
Jindal…born on the installment plan.
I think KO just got caught saying “Oh Gawd” when Jindal walked up to the podium. heh
That was hysterical. Jindal certainly is, uh,pretty stilted.
I’m pretty sure that was Tweety.
I guess Louisiana doesn’t have much seismic activity.
lots of talk about Katrina failures. I guess Jindal forgot who was in charge of the bureaucracy at the time.
I’m almost convinced now that because I am an Ameruhican.
I just tuned in and he said Louisiana has turned its back on corruption. Lol. Yeah. Right.
Did he just say we were going to feed our enemies?
Yup. And protect them from harm.
Weird. I really did just come back into the room right then. What was the context?
De-feat our enemies and protect them (the American people) from harm. But I heard it the same way you did.
ah! at least that makes sense.
He says he’s an American, but I have never seen his birth certificate.
And he just admitted to being an “anchor baby” before that when he said his parents immigrated while his mother was pregnant.
i already have an email to Michelle Malkin about that! can’t wait for a response [insert devilish laughter]
you are so evil. that’s why we love you.
approve of Obama’s plan goes from 62 to 79% after the speech.
will his plans help you personally goes from 35 to 52% after the speech.
CBS poll.
You can see why republicans are excited about Jindal. he can actually speak in complete sentences (although he has a rather sing-song delivery). But compared to Obama, he’s Mickey Mouse, and so is his rhetoric. “Restrain spending in Washington.” The overriding impression you get from him is that nothing much has happened, sure there’s a crisis but that’s not going to change anything about the way he thinks. Basically he’s talking double talk and I hope people can see that. He’s co-opting most of Obama’s points, e.g. the American people people are our greatest strength, and trying to use them against Obama. Good luck with that, Bobby.
And now Chris Mathews is giving the rebuttal to the Jindal address.
no cable – what’s he saying?
here’s a Rachel Maddow quote:
“uhhhhhhhhhhh. Buhh Buhh Buhhh uhhhhhhhhhh.”
And then something about how she gets paid to talk for a living but can’t do that which they pay her for at the moment. She was truly speechless.
Matthews then went on a tirade about Republicans being in control during Katrina, GOP leading the spending spree in 6 of the 8 years during Bush when he issued no vetoes on spending bills, and then going off about Abramoff being a Republican and Libby being a felon (calling out hypocrisy on corruption reform)
Then made a jab about the GOP congress needing to outsource their response to a governor since so many of them have their hands dirtied with the record.
most of the time i’m happy i don’t have cable. but every once in a while i wish i could see what you guys see.
Manny nailed it. I’m on someone else’s laptop, so I can’t type fast enough…
MSNBC has a full-time live internet feed nowadays.
with tweety? During the election the feed would go off after the speech and I never got to see the analysis.
He went off on what a load it was, and they’re questioning the wisdom of using Katrina as an example, given that the GOP was in charge of that. Now they’re talking about the his suggestion that corruption was involved in the stimulus bill.
well, Louisiana should know corruption …
No, no, didn’t you hear him? Now that he’s governor, there is no more corruption in Louisiana.
that was like a knock-off episode of the Twilight Zone (Jindal’s response)
Taxcuts, taxcuts, taxcuts do these clowns ever stop. Then they have the unmitigated gall to shed crocodile tears about future generations. Let those damn Bush cuts expire and put the money to good and stimulative use. Give the next generation a chance to inherit a healthy and growing economy.
On our part someone needs to tell Nancy Pelosi to concentrate more on doing her job and less on swallowing fistfuls of pills or whatever makes her look and act so bizarre.
Tonight Obama made one factual error. I felt embarrassed for him, but I doubt anyone except Joe Biden picked up on it. (You could see confusion in Joe’s facial expression.)
It was when he was talking about the auto industry and said something to the effect of “the country that invented the automobile should not abandon it.”
Uggh. Who’s he talking about? Germany?? Because I thought he was talking about the US. We didn’t invent the automobile, though many Americans seem to think we did.