My state, New Jersey is on the verge of enacting a Medical Marijuana Law!–medicalmarijuana0225feb25,0,4357703.story

As a Lupus sufferer I am glad I will be able to legally and openly discuss and consume my primary medication, and hopefully get it for a lot less money and when I need it versus when it happens to be available.

For years, I took medications and applied ointments and this and that and I could barely control symptoms if at all. I couldn’t really go outside during the day, since the sun triggered all sorts of problems. A bad day at work would mean weeks of symptoms from horrible sores to tremendous joint pain and other fun stuff. Life was getting a bit lame to say the least. I wasn’t DOING, I was COPING.

Then I began reading a blog by an Atlanta 19 year old woman who was giving daily witness to her experience with medicinal marijuana really helping her Lupus. hundreds of people began commenting about their own positive experiences. I was convinced and have been illegally self-medicating ever since(YES, Boo, I know this explains A LOT – nyuck-nyuck).

Now my life is almost back to normal, albeit a bit stonier: I can allow the sun on my skin, I can drink coffee, have a bad day at the office – you know the little things you only miss when you’re denied them.

I can’t say I enjoy it as much as you might think. Being stoned a lot has frankly become boring and procedural, but that’s a small price for health.

A huge upside of Medical Marijuana distribution is that there are usually edible forms available, sparing the lungs.

Anyone want to open up a medical marijuana primary care giving center with me?