Striking terror into Republicans:
Speaking on Fox News Sunday, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), the number two Republican in the Senate, called the [Budget] proposal, “terrifying in the policy implications as well as mind-boggling in the numbers.”
Somehow I find that comforting.
I love how that quote perfectly reflects the two things I associate most closely with the Republican party : fear and idiocy.
Any guesses as to just how large numbers have to be to boggle Jon Kyl’s mind?
Reminds me of a geek joke from undergrad: there are 10 kinds of people – those who understand binary and those who don’t…
I think Obama including costs for the wars into the budget was perhaps more important than we thought. Adding that to the amount allocated to the DOD and it becomes apparent just how much money is being spent on war/defense these days. It won’t make much of a difference in the next 4 years probably but I can see this transparency of sorts helping towards being able to cut that amount eventually.
Actually, I think it WILL be important in the coming years. Because when the Republicans start harping on costs, the war expenses will be put on the table with the question “okay, where do we start cutting then?” Republicans will stammer but they won’t propose cutting anything from what is likely to be the largest portion of the budget for the next decade – combined DOD and war spending.
It’s a really, really fucking smooth move, actually. Get it all out there in the open and remind everyone every time the Republicans open their yaps that they voted for this debt by pushing their stupid Iraq War idiocy.