Nice reading of Israel’s strategy called Peripheral Alliance and intelligence swaps with CIA through James Angleton.

The Peripheral Alliance Strategy

The History of Mossad’s framework for creating clandestine relations with countries and national movements under the principle that “my enemy’s enemy is my friend.”

Recounting the history of the secret triangular relationships between Iran, the United States and Israel in the period prior to the rise to power of Ayatollah Khomeini. Nevertheless, one cannot grasp the magnitude of the blow that the revolution dealt to the defense establishments of America and Israel and their intelligence agencies, as well as the hostility that the new regime felt towards those countries.

Israel, KBR, Caspian Oil and war in Georgia

BBC Documentary: ‘The fall of the Shah’ and its relevance for India of today

When the journalists from the same western countries asked the Shah, why he needed such formidable armaments like a fleet of F-18s, that were not introduced even in the US, the Shah said it is like asking the US and UK why they have such big armies and defence forces. One can easily make out how shallow, Shah’s reasoning was for squandering his oil wealth on military hardware, while his people in village across the country did not have the most basic necessities of life.

India with all his back to back high GDP percentages, has yet to get nearly 600 million India out of their abject poverty, where even survival is a life long struggle. All these Tatas, Mittals, Ambanis and Bajajs will not save India, if and when these poor and hungry people cling to any convenient trigger and call it a day.

That trigger too could borrow from the history of Iran. The way Shah was forcing ‘modernization’ on his old country steeped in an age-old culture tied up to an overpowering religion, India’s new wave of modernization is seriously challenging the old morals and cultural conservativeness. Unless the administration is able to moderate the whole face-off between the old and the new, we may be faced with some trigger that will bring fascists to rule the land. India must shun both the US and Israel, get rid with all intelligence and security entanglements with both these ruthless conspirators and depend on its own homegrown intellect to devise ways and means to tackle India’s most intractable problem of poverty.

A relic of the Cold War with communism and the Soviet Union …

The arming of Israel 1948-1986

Israel was desperate to play a crucial part in such an alliance. In 1951, the year that Mossadeq nationalised oil in Iran, the influential Israeli daily newspaper Ha’aretz spelled out Israel’s watchdog role in defence of US and British interests:

    The feudal regimes in the Middle East have had to make such concessions to the nationalist movements … that they become more and more reluctant to supply Britain and the United States with their natural resources and military bases … Strengthening Israel helps the Western powers maintain equilibrium … in the Middle East.

    Israel is to become the watchdog. There is no fear that Israel will undertake any aggressive policy towards the Arab states when this would explicitly contradict the wishes of the US and Britain. But if for any reasons the western powers should sometimes prefer to close their eyes, Israel could be relied upon to punish one or several neighbouring states whose discourtesy to the west went beyond the bounds of the permissible.

Here was the direct offer to smash down precisely that brand of Arab nationalism which might seize power in any of the Arab countries, nationalising US or British oil interests on the one hand and stirring up Arab hostility to the West on the other.

The exact military links between the US and Israel at this time have remained a closely guarded secret. But a US National Security Council memorandum of 1958 noted that a “logical corollary” of opposition to radical Arab nationalism “would be to support Israel as the only strong pro-west power left in the near East”. Meanwhile in the mid-1950s Israel concluded a pact with the region’s most viciously right-wing dictators, Ethiopia, Turkey and the Shah in Iran. The biographer of Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, recalled that this “periphery pact” was encouraged by John Foster Dulles, the US Secretary of State.

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."