Watching Meet the Press, I see Republican strategist Mike Murphy and former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough saying that they are relieved that Obama has chosen to move to the left because they were afraid that he would move to the middle and, in so doing, destroy the Republican Party. It was left, ironically, to Harold Ford, Jr. to defend the president by pointing out that the poll numbers indicate that the nation wants and is ready for a new direction.
Meanwhile, earlier in the roundtable discussion, former Clinton press secretary Dee Dee Myers pointed out that the Clinton administration had made a strategic decision to attack Reaganomics but never to attack Ronald Reagan. And she admitted that the strategy had failed because you can’t attack programs if the face of those programs remains popular.
Somewhere in the melding of these two worldviews there is a lesson to be learned. The Republicans are relieved that Obama is not moving to the Center because it means that they can keep their caucus fairly united in opposition. That’s short-term thinking, but it makes sense. On the other hand, Obama is going after Bushism in a very direct way. He isn’t repeating the mistake of the Clinton team. It’s true that Obama doesn’t face the same problem. Bush is far more unpopular right now than Reagan was when he left office. That means Obama can feel more comfortable making personal criticism, even as he remains more focused on policy. When he attacks Bush he tends to do it obliquely by talking about how we wants to hear opposing views and make sure he breaks out of the White House bubble. His policy criticisms are more withering.
The more interesting question is: what will Obama’s approach do to the Republican Party? It seems to me that the centrist approach (on policy not tone) would have been inadequate for the economic times and would have led to an anemic recovery. It would have been a giant gamble to introduce a budget filled with cuts in government spending both because it wouldn’t stimulate the economy and because it would disappoint Obama’s base of support by going back on many of his campaign promises. That would have been a recipe for much lower poll numbers over time and a failed presidency.
And, from a Republican perspective, the more Obama succeeds in creating new programs for health, education, and energy, and the more he stimulates the economy, and the more he delivers on his campaign promises, the less viable their worldview will be as a national or statewide electoral strategy. In other words, Republicans have to hope Obama will fail because he didn’t make a move to the center where he would be almost assured of failure.
They hope he fails because they are against America. They are more for their own gain than for America recovering.
When you’re a Governor and you’re sitting talking about not taking funds for Unemployment Benefits, what kind of person are you?
I know my position. You don’t want to take the stimulus money? FINE. Your district will not get the money, and the rest of us will divide what would have gone to your district. I don’t think the GOP should be allowed to speak out of both sides of their mouths. They’re so big and bad…turn down ALL the money, Bobby. My state will take Louisiana’s share without hesitation.
I’m glad Obama’s going for it. He might not succeed, but he’ll never have to say ‘ I didn’t try.’
whatever happened to ‘patriotism’ and ‘Country First’?
the hoping for President Obnama to fail is not based on policies differences. There was no outrage when Bush made a hard left turn..the stimulus package to bail the banks was a down payment…added to the doubling of the debt…financing the war off the books…trashing the Constitution.
These neo-cons are the enemy within.
This is the puke constituency.
What BushCo used to call the “growing financial services sector” of the “ownership (of) society.”
Speaking of failure, someone ought to remind the self-important newspaper people that the looming death of print journalism does not equate to the death of journalism.
Seeing Karl Rove, attacking Obama on ABC This morning makes me sick. Dems. need to kick the Republicans while their down to make sure they don’t get back up.
Limbaugh’s bellicose speech at the CPC typified why the Republicans are left hoping Obama fails to restore the power of the American working classes through our government.
They are the party of feudalism, the “ownership” (of) society, shredding the Constitution and plunging the country into war and debt that profited a handful of powerful financiers and lobbyists.
They have to hope Obama fails to restore democracy in America, including local solutions to employment, energy, health care and food production–not to mention housing–that engage the community in the democratic process.
They have to hope Obama will fail to empower the American public through public education–including four years of college–so that we don’t have to follow the commercial corporate propaganda machine into a military nightmare.
Be of good cheer. Obama has never failed at anything he has put his mind to.
Neither have — working shoulder to shoulder — the American people.
We really need to get on about the business of becoming energy independent. This past year and the record gas prices played a huge part in our economic meltdown and seriously damaged our economy and society.We keep planning to spend BILLIONS on bailouts and stimulus plans.Bail us out of our dependence on foreign oil. Make electric plug in car technology more affordable. It cost the equivalent of 60 cents a gallon to drive an electric plug in car. The electric could be generated from wind or solar. If all gasoline cars, trucks, and SUV’s instead had plug-in electric drive trains, the amount of electricity needed to replace gasoline is about equal to the estimated wind energy potential of the state of North Dakota. Get with it! Utilize free sources such as wind and solar. Stop throwing away money on things that don’t work. Invest in America and it’s energy independence. Create cheap clean energy, create millions of badly needed green collar jobs. Put America back to work. It is a win-win situation. We have to become more proactive citizens, educate ourselves and demand our elected officials move this country forward into the era of energy independence. Jeff Wilson’s new book The Manhattan Project of 2009 Energy Independence NOW outlines a plan for America to wean itself off oil. We need a plan and we need it now! http://www.themanhattanprojectof2009
becoming energy independent is as important to American National Security as any weapons system in the Pentagon. Becoming energy independent is a way for America to exert enormous power in the world without picking up a gun. Creating this technology is a smart, bloodless way to undermine our enemies around the world.