Hi all, I haven’t written much on this site for quite awhile, but today I thought I would share with you what has been keeping me busy.  Well there are several things:

One of my big pleasures is playing the game of World of Warcraft, meet my character Katcora, an 80 mage, and for those of you not familiar with the game, 80 is as high as you can go.

Here she is riding her own personal gryphon, which makes it much easier to get around the very rugged terrain of the newest addition to the game, Wrath of Northrend.

She has lots of powers, here she is with her 3 mirrors, ( a spell) fighting the evil forces.

Of course I’ve been doing other things too, like crocheting, here is a picture of the stack of blanket I have made recently which I am trying to sell on Etsy    a site for selling handmade items.  

And the third big thing that occupies a lot of my time is babysitting for 2 grandkids, Mathew and Bentley.

I am still doing gardening, have a lot of seedlings coming up right now and lots of flowers in bloom around my house.

So all in all, I’ve been keeping busy, what about you, I would love to hear about what you’ve been up to.
Have a great day everyone!