Last night Ed Schultz on MSNBC’s 1600 Pennsylvania show threw down the gauntlet to congressional democrats who think they can get away with not
supporting EFCA.

Mr. Schultz: “It’s put up or shut up time for the democrats”.

Please see video clip three for Mr. Schultz’s reminder regarding why unions are important and how the unions helped elect Barack Obama.

Also see video clip three for Lou Gerard’s (President of the United Steelworkers) take on the “secret” ballot red herring.

Mr. Schultz flat out stated any congressional democrat not supporting EFCA will be “taken out”. Mr. Schultz posed the following question “Will democrats have a spine and stand up for EFCA?”

It’s about time we had a strong progressive voice on TV that supports the poor and middle class, who supports our working men and women, and who does it without equivocating or making lame excuses.

I strongly support Mr. Schultz’s voice and hope other pro-union, progressive folks will join me. Here’s hoping Mr. Schultz gets on MSNBC
full time!!