If only this would come true, but sooner rather than later. Dear Rush, please, please, please, show us that you are the Übermensch we know you to be.

Show all the hardworking winners in life cowering in fear of the leftist elitist fascist socialist takeover of America by our Halfrican Führer-in-Chief that the path to the future requires their full commitment to the Way of the Rand. In short, become the leader of that doughty band of CEO’s, K-Street Lobbyists, Right Wing Think Tank Fellows, Investment Bankers, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly (and any other patriotic Fox News or Clear Channel talking head), and all the billionaires not named Warren Buffet or George Soros, by going Galt at your earliest opportunity.

Do it for all the suffering rich people in our great nation. Do it for all your adoring dittoheads everywhere. Or do it for yourself. But whatever your motivation, just do it. You know you want to. A bunch of whiny ass titty babies grateful nation turns its lonely eyes to you. Don’t let us down.