If only this would come true, but sooner rather than later. Dear Rush, please, please, please, show us that you are the Übermensch we know you to be.
Show all the hardworking winners in life cowering in fear of the leftist elitist fascist socialist takeover of America by our Halfrican Führer-in-Chief that the path to the future requires their full commitment to the Way of the Rand. In short, become the leader of that doughty band of CEO’s, K-Street Lobbyists, Right Wing Think Tank Fellows, Investment Bankers, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly (and any other patriotic Fox News or Clear Channel talking head), and all the billionaires not named Warren Buffet or George Soros, by going Galt at your earliest opportunity.
Do it for all the suffering rich people in our great nation. Do it for all your adoring dittoheads everywhere. Or do it for yourself. But whatever your motivation, just do it. You know you want to. A bunch of whiny ass titty babies grateful nation turns its lonely eyes to you. Don’t let us down.
We could never be so lucky.
I really do wish that all of these folks who are threatening to “Go Galt” would just shut up and do it. Nothing could help our unemployment rate drop faster than if a good couple of percentages of the population willingly took themselves out of the workforce and went off to live in their own Libertarian Commune in Galt’s Gulch.
I want to scream at them: “Just go already! You’re replaceable! You’re a fracking cog in a machine that is designed to be able to replace you at the drop of a hat! If there’s not a guy in Ohio who wants your job, there’s a guy in India who does and a guy in Africa who might want it even more! Wages would go up for those of us who have a comparable skillset and aren’t a bunch of whiners. I can see nothing but net positives about this as long as you just shut up and go do it.”
I’m also highly amused that Dr. and Mrs. Perfesser Instapundit are flogging this “Go Galt” thing – they think they’re John Galt. Two professors at a state college who are noteworthy ONLY because they post their blather on the Internets (rather than as cranky letters to the editor of their home newspaper) read Atlas Shrugged and didn’t understand which camp they fall into. Heh indeed.
Lemme see… “Going Galt,” to the people at your link, basically means going “off the grid”? Ceasing to earn traceable income in order to avoid taxation? One of these bozos thinks he can trade his marketable skill, whatever that is, for bushels of corn and a freezer full of deer meat. Then what? He’s gonna store that corn till it’s dry, grind it into flour with a couple of rocks and live on corn cakes and venison stew? I never would have thought all these right-wing fat cats were closet back-to-the-earth hippies.
I’m disappointed in myself for not predicting this. It was easy to predict if you thought about it.
Who knew Ted Kazinski was simply going Galt?
Going Galt or play time at the institution. My God, the Republicans are retreating more deeply into their own dementia and paranoia. Don’t they realize how absurd they are?
Look into the mirror, guys! Those blurred and distorted figures you see are really you. Your lenses are fouled. Time to get a new pair of glasses; one that can perceive what’s actually there.
IMHO, if these folks want to voluntarily remove themselves from society for a bit, it should be heartily encouraged.
rush an ubermensch?…har!…he’s more the embodiment of der letzte mensch.
but l still think its a grand idea.