Here’s how well they have us trained:
The powers that be are no longer gonna call the illegally detained terrorism suspects (sic) by the name of “enemy combatants.” Like the pre-programmed robots we’ve all become, we’ll celebrate this as a welcome and much-needed change from the reviled Bush-Cheney administration. A step in the right direction, we might even say.
In addition, the Pope of Hope has promised not to torture. Our society is so fuckin’ corrupt that a US president can announce–without shame–a purported plan to say no to committing crimes against humanity. Of course, we view this as “normal” and we foolishly believe him and even praise him.
Obama’s blood brother, Dick Cheney, happily plays his pre-ordained role in this passion play by going on national television and declaring that our (sic) president’s vague pledge to possibly adhere to accepted international law–a pledge more honored in the breach–is making the US less safe.
The pundit patrol gleefully spins into action. You see, what passes for intelligence and insight in America typically involves being handsomely paid to put on a suit and go on TV to debate whether its Obama or his Dick that’s got it right.
This is mental illness in plain view–unabashed, unfettered lunacy not even trying to masquerade as sanity. If we woke up, it would take perhaps 3-5 seconds to recognize this: Obama is a heinous criminal. Cheney is a heinous criminal. The same can be said for the volunteer soldiers and all those who give the orders; the law enforcement types and all those who give the orders; the judges; the professional liars who stock the media ranks; and, of course, all the humans that comprise the power structure of Corporate America.
Since we habitually choose denial instead of rebellion, our willingness to play along at home by, for example, analyzing the subtle nuances that differentiate Obama from his Dick makes us heinous criminals, too. When things are as bad as they are now, there’s more than enough guilt to go around.
Just about everything about US and global culture (e.g. raping the environment, the propaganda machine, avaricious materialism, insatiable military conquest, sexism, homophobia, racism, patriarchy, etc.) adds up to death and destruction. Yet we–the species with the allegedly superior cognitive skills–opt to spend our time getting worked up over Obama debating his Dick.
Joe votes Republican. Joann votes Democrat. Nothing changes.
Jane human loves Sean Hannity. John adores Jon Stewart. The planet remains in peril.
Joann and John think Obama’s plan is the cat’s meow. Joe and Jane agree with Dick. Big picture: It makes no difference at all.
Whatever side we choose in these fabricated conflicts, human society maintains its steady, relentless path toward mass homicide/suicide. If we ever decide to look up from our text screens and video games, we might actually catch the last act.
Until the laws are changed or the power runs out, Mickey Z. can be found on the Web at
So the giants and gods are fighting above us. And?
Time to just stop participating in the corporate noise and gore and get it together with your surrounding community and try to build a new economy from the ground level up.
“Slow money” + “Slow Food” = Long Lives!
You wanna Fuck ‘The Man’ back?
Get off the grid! Barter! Hunt! Farm! Teach! Learn! LIVE.
“Poor” and happy is better than poor and dependent on korporate amerikkka. Or slowly turn to guacamole in a cube that you drive 70 minutes to and from each day. IMHO, if you’re not truly financially secure right now, your situation is going to get markedly worse in the next year now that the scale of the interventions the fed is going to make is becoming clear. They’ve just printed another 1 trillion (that’s something like 2.5 Trillion in new money so far) and have put the number on the scale of what they perceive as the domestic part of the global problem: 9 Trillion dollars.
To put the amount of inflation that is on it’s way into perspective: as of April 2007 there were only about $820 Billion in circulation. If we end up with 9 Trillion in circulation, I am sure you can understand how far the dollar could fall. The only thing that is helping us out is that other countries are worde off!
The inflation problem may be masked right now by the deflationary impact of everyone tightening purse strings at once, but inventories are already starting to move again as pent up demand is bringing people back to shops.
Once those inventories are gone, price deflation will end and we’ll see incredible inflation and interest rates. Lock down or escape your mortgage if it is variable. Buy gold the second you hear about prices stabilizing or increasing. To be fair and even handed, my Swiss Banker buddies are making the bet that the rest of the world is so much worse off that most liquid money will evenutally flow towards the US, preventing inflation here by supporting the currency. IMHO, that’s something they are clinging to on the way to demise.
I just quit my cozy gov’t contractor job (great timing right?). Both sides of almost all contracts I am involved with are so universally unredeemable and unethical when things get tight like this that I couldn’t go on.
I haven’t lost faith in government, but really see the most important, needed ‘repairs’ we can actually get done as squarely within the domain of culture and increasing self-reliance and localizing services for the dependent..
It’s time to actually be the informed citizenry that democracy requires. The whole think globally but act locally thing.
We need to ‘vote with our feet’ and not to participate in what is obviously an unethical and global destructive economic model. I’m sure it’s not the worst thing ever to try to fix the present, shitty system from above even while folks try to fix it below, so good luck Mr. President, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.
I’m starting a CSA in Roosevelt, NJ with my family and am potentially partnering with a year-round nursery in the US Virgin Islands to maintain a seed and clipping ‘bank’ (how to stay ‘slow’ is the issue) – all with next to no money.
The opportunity is out there to make change. People want to do something ‘better’ with their money/lives and are literally waiting for the right thing to do to fall in their laps.
Global Energy policy changes and monetary games might be the domain of the bigwigs, but your food, energy sources and occupation are up to you.
I look forward to advertising our produce here for any Philly/NJ folks!.