Get ready to check the bargain bin:
NEW YORK (AP) — Former President George W. Bush, who once famously called himself “The Decider,” is writing a book about decisions.
“I want people to understand the environment in which I was making decisions. I want people to get a sense of how decisions were made and I want people to understand the options that were placed before me,” Bush said during a brief telephone interview Wednesday with The Associated Press from his office in Dallas.
Bush’s book, tentatively (not decisively) called “Decision Points,” is scheduled for a 2010 release by Crown, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group.
I am almost positive that reading this book will make you more depressed than ever about the Bush presidency.
Bush the novelist!
you figure it will be fiction like every thing else that ever came out of his mouth?
Will he write it himself or will he have a ghost writer?
If he’s writing it himself – is it going to be a Choose Your Own Adventure, a Pop-Up Book, or a picture book? And who is the illustrator going to be?
I think he should make it a “Choose Your Own Adventure” myself:
“If you think it would be a good idea to invade Iraq when you already have a war going on in Afghanistan, turn to page 16.
If you think it would be a GREAT idea to invade Iraq when you already have a war going on in Afghanistan, turn to page 20.
If you think it would be the BESTEST IDEA EVAR to invade Iraq when you already have a war going on in Afghanistan, turn to page 22.”
or maybe:
“If you choose to ignore the memo ‘Bin Laden to invade the US and have another beer, turn to page 12.
If you choose to have a whiskey sour instead, turn to page 17.”
The possibilities here really are endless…
Look, look, Sally. See Bush decide. See Dick run. See Bush jump. [forgot the name of his pitiful dog. to be continued when I remember it; I will paint a vivid picture of G. dropping poor dog on the runway and blaming Laura]
Look Brownie, see the water. Water is deep.
The dog was Barney — third or fourth meanest lap-dog in the White House. Hated everybody but his chief handler, apparently.
Look Laura. See Barney. “Yip! Yip!” See Barney bite Helen. Hah. Hah. Bad Helen, bad journalist! Barney bite Helen.
Look Dick. Big tin can. Bush go in big tin can far away. Helen laugh. Not far enough. Hah. Hah.
See Laura. Laura is friend. Laura is only friend. Bush go to evil France. Here, Laura. Barney take care of you.
Barney fall. Yip Yip!.
Bad Laura! Laura not nice. Laura drop Barney.
So, there will be sequel to “My Pet Goat” then?
Decideratin’ one decision at a time.
Can’t see how the book would make me any more depressed than I was back when Bush’s approval ratings were in the 80s. Those were dark days indeed.
Presidenting For Dummies.
“Mein Banff: How I Spent Half My Presidency Biking in the Canadian Rockies.”
What things will he write about, I can only imagine???
“Condi, Dick, JA, and I were siting around the fireplace in the White House and the CIA was on the video. They wanted to just smack the terrorist around a little and do, what we call in Texas a good cop bad cop routine. I poured some Jack Daniels and said “Waterboard the SOB, this is a War on Terror.”
Had no idea Crown did comix.
I’d be wary of reading it. I’m afraid it would automatically deduct IQ points from the reader. And if they’re Bush fans, they don’t have the points to spare.
Bush, the Younger, a book? Surely, you jest!