liberal onslaught comes in four parts: government-run health care, a cap-and-trade carbon tax, a vast array of personal and business tax increases, and government authority to seize financial institutions in addition to banks. This is the liberal dream agenda. If passed, it would do what conservatives fear most. It would make America more like Europe, with growing nanny statism and more reliance on government, considerably less on individuals.
I see no problem on taxing companies that do business in America and then incorporate in Bermuda to avoid taxes.
The problem with commentators like the notorious right wingers that Fred Barnes mouths off in accordance with, is they don’t look at both sides of the issues.
Why doesn’t he mention what a European nanny’s greatest fear is, too? Or is it because he’s afraid they’d say something like predatory financial institutions, runaway hydrocarbon pollution, health care for the rich and more and more children living in poverty?
Maybe they could sum it all up by saying there’s nothing scarier than American commercial pundits.
Because the individuals who caused this mess are of course not running to the nanny state to get taxpayer billions they have no intention of paying back.
Conservative ideals only resulted in the worst economic disaster in three generations. You don’t get a seat at the table anymore, Fred.
It’s time for something new.
Idiot doesn’t seem to understand that it isn’t government or individuals we’re reliant on–it’s wall street. And they’re shitty nannys or whatever it is they do beside loot and pillage.