Let’s say, just hypothetically, that your state legislature decided to ban dishwasher detergent containing phosphates because it pollutes the water supply. And then let’s say, hypothetically, that people discovered that a combination of no-phosphate dishwasher detergent and hard water left their plates dirty and in need of hand-washing. What do you think the proper response to this would be? How about this?
At what point do the people tell the politicians to go to hell? At what point do they get off the couch, march down to their state legislator’s house, pull him outside, and beat him to a bloody pulp for being an idiot?
Or this?
Were I in Washington State, I’d be cleaning my gun right about now waiting to protect my property from the coming riots or the government apparatchiks coming to enforce nonsensical legislation.
At least a ban on phosphates in dishwashing detergent is a real law affecting real people. Unlike, say, the Zionist-controlled government’s plan to introduce military policing and confiscate your guns. That’s the type of thing that can lead from a puddle of puppy urine to the unprovoked murder of three cops.
I have no idea why Erik thinks this will be some kind of prelude to a populist uprising – people will either clean their dishes better in the first place, waste energy by running them through the dishwasher multiple times, switch detergents and try to find one that is on their store shelves and still gets the plates clean, or buy a new dishwasher that compensates for the detergent regulations. You don’t get peasant uprisings from the fact that your robot dishwasher servant can’t get the plates as clean as it used to – it would be like having an uprising because the new speed limits in town make it take twice as long for your butler to go out and get you a hamburger as it used to. You could try to convince people that it’s worth getting out the pitchforks and torches for, but you’d look like an idiot.
Not to give Erik any advice, but if he wants to foment a peasant rebellion he might want to start talking to some people who are actually living in real hardship. THOSE are the folks who end up overthrowing governments. Of course that would mean stepping outside of his white middle class privileged mindset for a little bit and finding some people living under some real hardship, not the phony hardships Erik wants to gin up.
We can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious laundry fluids.
“He died for dishwashing detergent,” is just not what any of us should want on our tombstones.
Here’s the sad truth, folks. Even using phosphate detergents, your dishwasher will not clean off dried and/or sticky food from dishes that have been piling up in the sink for a couple of days. Ditto for that milk residue in the bottom of the glass; it will get perma-bonded to the glass forever during the heat/dry cycle.
I had to have this talk with my DIL early in her marriage to my son. She was appalled by the very idea that she basically had to wash the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. I had to patiently explain that dishwashers are mainly good for sterilizing. They can’t possibly be expected to scrub out day-old mac n’ cheese from the bottom of a saucepan.
“But, but,” she sputtered, “It has a pots and pans setting.” Yes dear, if you load and run the dishwasher immediately after using the pot or pan or glass dish with baked on lasagna bits that can get better results. Otherwise, not. But, you do run the risk of lasagna bits getting etched into your wine glasses. If you really insist on being lazy at least keep the sink full of soapy water and scrape the plate over your composting bin before letting the dish slide below the suds.
don’t we have elections to deal with stupid laws, though? Beating politicians to a bloody pulp for being stupid doesn’t seem consistent with the concept of representative government.
See. The violent rhetoric just went sailing under my radar. Don’t the wingnuts talk up bloody pulpiness in reaction to every thing, big and small? We know he didn’t mean it literally, right? He was just being literary or figurative or something.
Inconsistency is the hallmark of wingnut intellects. They don’t believe in our representative government; they believe government should represent their self-delusions. Any compromise with what anyone else wants or needs or expects is WRONG and should be beaten up, shot down, lined up and executed, consumed by violent anarchy and so on…
No, but there is a certain appeal. I’ve
oftenalways felt that way during a Bush speech.At what point is commentary considered a terroristic threat punishable by our laws?
When it’s combined with a positive act in furtherance of the conspiracy. Let’s not cross THAT line or the Republicans will be right about us being Communists.
The grammar police strike again!