Progress Pond

Deep Thought

Just note the difference between the headline and the lead paragraph to this story.

Here’s the Headline:

Al Franken wins round in Minnesota Senate race

And here’s the story:

MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) – A Minnesota court panel ruled on Monday that Democrat Al Franken beat Republican incumbent Norm Coleman in the long-fought contest for a U.S. Senate seat and said the comic turned politician should be certified as the winner.

Here’s what the headline would have stated if Franken were a Republican:

Franken Wins Senate Race Election Court Rules

Want proof? Okie-dokie. Here’s one headline on November 5, 2008 to the AP’s report filed prior to the recount when Coleman had a slight lead:

Coleman Wins, But Recount Possible

Or this one from the same date:

Coleman Defeats Franken in Minnesota Senate Race

Republicans win elections. Democrats win rounds. More importantly, Republicans never lose an election (except when the story is reported by Comedians). So sayeth our Media Mavens.

Update [2009-4-14 8:4:36 by Steven D]: Just for laughs, here’s the Fox News AP headline regarding the Court’s ruling that Franken won the election and Normie lost:

Minnesota Court Declares Franken Leading Vote-Getter in 2008 Senate Race

Because in Bizarro Right Wingnut World, Democrats can be the “leading vote getters” but they can’t be declared winners of lawful elections. Because Republicans never lose an election, they just get cheated out of their rightful victories by ACORN or George Soros or Liberal Fascists. Or something.

Which leads to the inevitable question: Why does God hate America?

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