JB Williams, a self described entrepreneur (not really sure why a “patriot” like himself is using a frenchy-fried word for “business owner” but maybe he’s a conservative intellectual so his fellow travelers on the right cut him some slack when it comes to the fancy talking use of BIG WORDS) husband, father and political writer, who knows for a fact that Communists have infiltrated the Democrat Party and taken over the government, on the only mistake the framers (I think he means the gentlemen who wrote the US Constitution and not a bunch of construction workers, though I reserve judgment on the point) made when our Glorious Republic was founded:
America’s greatness is due to our moral heritage. Both freedom and liberty are endowed by our creator, (not granted or managed by our politicians), and both are in jeopardy whenever our moral foundation is attacked. Our politicians work for us and it’s our job to manage them, not the other way around. As a father, I must talk about things we are not supposed to talk about, because those are the very things that will determine what kind of America my children will live in. It’s not my goal to offend anyone, though some will be offended. I have come to believe that the one flaw in our framers design is our freedom to destroy ourselves. It may have been a mistake to ask average people (who don’t have the time, the energy, the inclination, the selflessness, the moral foundation or the good sense to run their own lives), to run the greatest nation on earth. (emphasis in the original)
No wonder Obama managed to infiltrate his African American Hawaiian Islamofascist Communist butt into the that nice comfy chair in the Oval Office. Too many of those “average people” (i.e., anyone who isn’t an entrepreneur) voted in the last election. Someone really ought to do something about that “design flaw” for our freedom. Because everyone knows you can’t really have a “free country” if everyone gets to vote. That way lies madness (or at the very least the path to “Liberal Fascism”). Why, “they” even managed to destroy the economy of our great country before they’d captured the Executive Branch! Oh the horror!
What in the world could the United States possibly have in common with Castro’s Communist Cuba?
The answer is nothing. – However, Castro has much in common with the six members of Congress who just returned from Cuba. Like Castro, Emanuel Cleaver, Marcia L. Fudge, Barbara Lee, Laura Richardson, Bobby Rush and Mel Watt, among others, share a common belief in Communism, and a common disdain for freedom, especially “economic freedom,” otherwise known as free market capitalism.
Likewise, the new Obama Administration shares the belief that capitalism, aka economic freedom, is the problem, rather than the solution to current economic woes, which were actually created by members of the Congressional Black Caucus.
It was the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Progressive Caucus which together forced American lenders to make ill-advised loans to unqualified borrowers, which predictably became the “toxic loans” packaged into “toxic securities” by Fannie and Freddie, also operating at the command and control of these organization.
These same groups, with members back at the helm of Congressional oversight committees after the 2006 mid-term elections, gained ultimate political power by refusing numerous attempts by the Bush administration to head off the impending financial calamity that had to surface sooner or later. […]
(emphasis in the original)
That’s right people. Prepare yourselves for the coming Castro-ization* of America, led by a sinister cabal of Congressional Black Caucus members, progressives, feminists and he who must not be named.** A group so powerful and insidious that they seized control of our government out from under the hands of Vice President Cheney Bush and used their “dark side” mastery to trick all those average people into voting for our New Dark Lord, Barack Hussein Obama, and all his anti-capitalist, feminist, gay marriage loving, abortion promoting, Christian hating, marijuana smoking, freedom despising minions.
So what’s JB’s plan to save our nation from its imminent downfall at the hands of these Obamacons? Can anyone say Viva La Revolución?
Most Americans can now sense an enemy within. This column was written for the sole purpose of bringing that enemy into clear focus. If you have any serious doubts about the facts presented in this column, please use the links provided to research the facts for yourself and draw your own conclusions.
The Founders told us how to deal with such internal threats to freedom and liberty…
What are we waiting for? (emphasis in original)
And to think they called us deranged.
* Not to be confused with “castration,” which is what many conservatives mistakenly may assume is what happened to them last November.
** Barney Franks, of course.
Pardon me for asking, but isn’t it blasphemy to suggest that mere men could threaten what the creator has given us?
It’s an intellectual from a tribe of anti-intellectuals.
How amusing. It’s like being the one-eyed man in that kingdom of the blind everyone seems to have heard of.
I think he’s got glaucoma in that one eye of his.
Did you see this shit?
I’d say let Texas go. Except there are good people there who would be hurt by such an insane move.
The drumbeat of the violent radical fringe racists not only goes on, but it is growing louder. The skinheads, the KKK, the Creationist Church, and multitudes of small splinter start up Internet based hate groups who are flooding the country with violent racist propaganda. The Limbaugh, Beck, and Savage right wing violence preachers are doing their best to motivate an increasing number of individual racists to setup hate filled web sites. These on line sites in turn are reaching thousands of frustrated confused jobless white males who are searching for simple answers to the economic pain and hopelessness that they are currently experiencing.
It is time for Holder and the White House to start paying attention to this growing threat before it reaches the point of national explosion. For those in the moderate/liberal community who have doubts that anything serious will result from the growth of all of these homegrown hate groups on the Internet. Suppose that a given web site is able to reach and recruit just 2000 disgruntled web visitors. If only 1% of that group are inflamed enough to be driven to commit some sort of violent random event. This will effectively unleash 20 people hell bent on violent destruction of innocent Americans.
Battling these hate web sites requires a large amount of resources, as the people who setup and run these web sites do not leave them at the same Internet address for any significant period of time. By the time such a web site is discovered by monitoring agencies, the web master of the site closes down the site, and then opens up a totally new site with a brand new name and artwork format, but with the same hate propaganda. It’s ironic that the Obama Administration has two troubling growing problems that need immediate attention, one is the Somali pirates and the other is the domestic right wing hate groups. Both are growing by leaps and bounds.
I keep hearing this BS about the Community Redevelopment Act from a guy a work. He won’t listen when I point out that most of the loan defaulters have never paid a single payment. That doesn’t sound like a poor guy that bought a house 12 years ago. It sounds like house flippers that got caught when the music stopped. But he still insists that it’s all Clinton’s fault. If it isn’t Clinton’s fault, it’s Daley’s fault. Or Roosevelt’s fault for not letting the Depression burn itself out. You get the idea.
The original version of the story I heard had the program starting under Jimmy Carter. And to think the wingers call him one of our weakest presidents and yet here he has the power to cripple the economy almost 30 years after he left office!
Didn’t the framers limit voting rights to propertied citizens (and of course denied it to citizens that were property) in the early days? (Not in the Constitution, but in their various home states).
I didn’t know that an Austiner was a jelly donut.
No, I don’t mean that hysteria that didn’t happen over John McCain, born in the Panaman Canal Zone, possibly being ineligibility to be president (gasp) due of a small quirk in the time frame of applicable laws.
Instead, I mean this kind of nonsense:
Oh noe! The vaccuum was so strong that it sucked up the USSR…and it disappeared entirely! Who could have predicted?
Oh, nevermind. When that prediction failed, the new prediction became,
And who was responsible for this impending disaster? Underneath a photo which had congressmen in the background:
Socialists! Of course! My gosh, does this ever sound familiar.
Now, as Paul Harvey would like to say, the rest of the story:
(Jesse) Helms, Panama Canal gave us Reagan
As soon as it became probable he would win the election, anti-Obama hysteria was expected and inevitable. That the hysteria so closely parallels the cries from the wilderness in the 1970s is what surprises me.