Texas Insurrectionary Governor Rick Perrysupported rebellion against the duly elected US government today in the name of a small government Republicanism that he apparently managed to hide during the term of office of George W. Bush. Although Perry had nothing to say when Bush claimed that habeas corpus, one of the rights explicitly guaranteed in the main body of the constitution itself, didn’t apply when he didn’t want it to; Although Perry didn’t care about wars being waged without a declaration of war; Although the imprisonment of US citizens on US soil without warrant and their torture didn’t make Perry unhappy; Although he didn’t care about “off budget” expenditures for the Iraq war (explicitly forbidden in the Constitution); Although he didn’t give a damn about $2Trillion in debt – FINALLY Rick Perry has found something that crosses the line: A black democratic President.
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When I saw that, the first thing I did was visit the US Army website to see what was involved in enlisting should any of these fools cross the line and actually attempt to secede. Thanks to Iraq, the maximum enlistment age is 42 now, so I can get in.
There is considerable irony here. I’m a Southerner, and I at least theoretically support the right of states to secede from the Union in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Independence. That said, I most definitely do not support the right of states to secede for undemocratic or anti-egalitarian purposes. If a general referendum in Texas produced a majority in favor of secession and guaranteed the civil liberties of all of its citizens — not just the rich, white evangelical ones — then I’d have to say they have the right to go. But we all know that is not going to happen with Rick Perry’s faction.
I know this will inevitably bring out another round of “fuck the South” polemics from sectional bigots who are comfortably far away from Texas. To them, I can only ask, are you willing for the shadow of tyranny to fall on the substantial proportion of Texans who are loyal Americans? Are you willing to see that shadow fall over a liberal city like Austin? Are you ready to stand idle when the minority population of Texas becomes a target for official oppression, unrestrained by law and scruples?
I say no. If it comes to it, I will fight for the rights of my fellow men and women. I hope Governor Perry’s little stunt ends up being no more than the last squawk of a party in terminal decline. But if not, I am willing to shoot the way I voted: for freedom, democracy, and equal rights under the law for all. I hope I will not be alone in that.
The majority of Texans are not insane. Unfortunately, we’re held captive by psychos.
Hmm I don’t think it works that way. The states can choose to end the country by approving an amendment to the constitution to end the country or perhaps by amending the constitution to specifically allow one state to leave but a state on its own cannot decide to leave.
If Texas wants to go I would let it, but that’s not legal. 90% of my family lives in Texas and I have been there a lot from: from Fort Worth to Houston to Dallas to San Antonio, to Laredo, El Paso, Brownsville and Wichita Falls over my life. And it seems obvious to me that Texas is God Beta-Version of Hell.
But a chance to shoot at some right wing insurrectionists? You better believe I would be willing to assist you in fighting for freedom democracy and equal rights.
It’s amusing. The text of the resolution is downright hysterical.
Does this honestly mean that Texas and its Governor plan to ignore all federal laws not specifically stated in the US Constitution?
That’ll be amusing. Right up until the government cuts federal funding off.
wouldn’t it be hilarious if obama took the morons at their word and cut off their funding? Obama could even go on TV and explain that since texas wants to go, that we’re going to give them a trial run. “the savings for the rest of America will be substantial, and may even outweigh the lack of federal revenue Texas contributes to our nation.” then he could list all the money the feds won’t have to spend on texas anymore. I wonder how much that is?
the highways would begin to collapse. the cost of water and electricity would skyrocket. cost of gasoline would go WAY up. it’s be a nightmare for texans.
i say give ’em what they want, at least temporarily, so in the future they’ll be careful what they wish for.
obama’s heading to mexico tomorrow, maybe he should ask calderon if they’d like it back.
the field negro, whose blog is fun and which i should read more often, runs it down:
Texas is the one southern state that sends out more money that it gets so it might not be as extreme and example as he hopes.
“enumerated and GRANTED” is the key words here. You can read it as the powers have to be enumerated AND they have to be granted (2 requirements) or you can read it as powers enumerated in the constitution and powers granted by the constitution.
Reading it as “and powers granted by the constitution” is part of what led to Scalia’s favorite punching bag, the emanations and penumbras doctrine.
the War of Southron Treason.
Perhaps we can have a do-over, and dump the lot of them. What good does it do to have Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama? None of these states have a single thing of value.
Except millions of liberals, women, and minorities who depend on the federal government and the steadfastness of their fellow citizens to guarantee their rights. America isn’t about you, and it’s not about me. It’s about freedom and equal justice under the law for ALL.
Although it’s not stated explicitly in the founding documents, it just might be necessary to occasionally shoulder a burden for the sake of our fellow men in order to achieve those goals.
What about repatriation? We give them the Powerline guys (from Minnesota) and get some oppressed lefties from Mississippi instead?
I’d be willing to give them Assrocket’s house and car.