Why was the military trying to film a plane low-flying over NYC?

I don’t buy the explanation – the only one given – that they were just trying to update file photos. Because according to this article, the exercise cost nearly $330,000!

But what really disturbs me are two lines in this story:

… The Federal Aviation Administration said the aircraft, which functions as Air Force One when the president is aboard, was taking part in a classified, government-sanctioned photo shoot.

… New York Police Deputy Commissioner Paul J. Browne said the department had been alerted about the flight “with directives to local authorities not to disclose information about it.”


Why would such a public act be “classified”?

Why would the government officials direct the NYPD to keep silent?

I mean, why shouldn’t I jump to a conclusion here. Why not pre-film a plane low-flying over NYC and then use that in some story later to present an event as real that might be entirely fake? A “Wag the Dog” scenario, so to speak?

I’d really like to hear a better explanation. Because lacking one, this story reeks of something far more sinister. I hope Obama and McCain join forces to get to the bottom of why this plane was launched on such a mission, which ended up retraumatizing some citizens of NYC. I know how they feel. I start to feel ill when I see planes over downtown Los Angeles, and we weren’t even attacked. It’s a horrible feeling, to be afraid of something I never gave a second thought to before.

I really want to know, now.

What the heck was the military doing?