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New cafe for a rainy Monday. It’s been pouring here all night.
Rainy day drive by hi! See ya later!
mud wrasslin’ time!
via guardian, uk
FM’s favorite sport, ims.
Did someone mention mud wrestling? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy – tis the season to get muddy. 🙂
We’ve got mild and sunny (although we keep having rain predicted and would gladly take it [even with the wet-dog bother]). What’ve you got?
Hi Keres,
In the Southeast we’ve had some pretty bad thunderstorms and high winds. We had some pretty hard rain earlier today, but the winds have died down.
I’d go for mild and sunny right now.
One thing we rarely get here are truly wild and wooly storms. I like a good thunderstorm on occasion as a reminder of who is in charge.
I don’t mind thunderstorm, but the straight line winds do bother me from time to time.
This is probably the windiest place I’ve ever lived. We sit up on the side of a valley that runs in-line with the prevailing “Roaring 40’s” winds, which haven’t touched land since the tip of South America. Needless to say they can be a bit blustery all by themselves and having them funneled up the valley to our house only make them more so.
Our veggie garden is placed leeward of the house to keep the plants from getting wind burnt. That sort of windy.
We’re seriously considering investing in a wind turbine.
100 all week – 102 by Saturday [grumble, grumble]
But it’s a dry heat. 😉
I do miss it at times. At least the evenings, are loverly.
Steamed vs. Fried = cooked food either way 😉
I am thankful that the nighttime cools down in Tucson. The same can not be said for the Phoenix metro area where it’s not uncommon to be in the upper 90s at midnight during the blazing part of the summer.
Steamed vs. Fried = cooked food either way
I can’t agree. I have a huge tolerance for dry heat and almost no tolerance for humidity. As long as I can sweat buckets and have it evaporate immediately I’m fine. But even a mild day with high humidity has be wrung out. Must be all those alpine ancestors of mine. The air’s crispy up there. Why yes, I can yodel, how did you guess?
Hiya Manny,
Low 100’s? We won’t see that for another month or two. Then again, we’ve got the humidity here. Talk about grumble, grumble. 🙂
hi FM! we have a few months left of the heat, so we can grumble grumble together. hope you’re doing well!
Actually I’m ready for winter. I’d rather grumble about the cold than the heat and humidity.
I’ve been doing OK. Hope you’ve been doing good. BTW that was a very funny cartoon over at your place today. 🙂
oh. my. goddess.
It’s only May.
yes, yes i know. that’s why I was howling last month when we were in the 90s. It. Is. Too. Early. For. This.
hi maryb!
Can you send some of that our way, just for a day? We’ve had days of endless rain here, and I bet that would help dry things out. 🙂
over the past six months, it’s only rained once or twice, so how about a trade? 😉
cute bunny in the previous cafe, by the way!
I could trade, but only for a day…
CBtY is still searching for the perfect name for the bun. I’m calling him Mister Bun until he decides. 🙂
All of our male bunnies get called Mr. Bun at least sometimes.
Albert was “Albert B. Bun”, or “Mr. Bun” and Hector is “Hector T. (Twinkle) Toes”, or “Mr. Toes”.
Have a good one all, we’re off to see Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D.
mid-week grumbly update: 102 tomorrow, 103+ thursday and beyond.
You need to plan a vacation at our place. Weather is currently sunny and in the low 50’s.
Well it 10:00 pm and bedtime.
Hope everyone has a good night.
here last night and I missed it!?!!?! You guys have all the fun. 🙁
Good morning Andi.
Yep I’m still cleaning mud out of my ears. I thought once mud wrestling was mentioned you and Olivia would show up, but…….
How’s your weather up there today? We’re finally having a nice day today.
You got started too late for this geezer. Olivia will have to come up with her own excuse. 🙂
It’s been very nice — in the 60s and 70s during the day, down in the 50s at night. We had a week’s worth of rain forecast last week but after 3 days it went away (to Pennsylvania and New York it appears) so that was good. Rain’s back in the forecast again starting tomorrow, though.
Yep we’ve had just about a weeks worth too. Can’t say that I’m unhappy to see those strong winds gone.
At first I thought the picture showed Olivia getting dunked in the mud, but then I saw it was in Australia. But it’s going to be a mud wrestling summer, Oh boy! 🙂
Whatever it takes to get you to stick around. 🙂
I’m usually around but I might not talk. I guess lately I’ve been in a talkative mood. 😉
Speaking of being around, George is whinning to go out. I’ll be back later.
Good morning!
Yup, we got it – and it is not going away.
Staying in bed with laptop.
We still have it too. In bed with the laptop sounds about right.
Good morning Ask and CG.
Hit and run hi. Got to take George outside.
See you when you get back. 🙂
Sounds like a great plan — except you forgot the part where you sneak out for cupcakes. 🙂
Morning all.
Monsters vs.Aliens in 3D was a good romp.
Got home a bit late to an over-excited-to-see-us puppy (and where’s-my-dinner-dogs).
Puppies and their enthusiasm does make you feel so love — Bebo gets all excited when I come back from driving to take the trash out (I have to take the car because our drive is 1000 ft. long).
Good morning Keres,
So Monsters vs. Aliens was a good movie? I’ll have to take one of my nieces or nephew to see it. Can’t have an old man walking in to see a kids movie. 🙂
This morning is a sausage biscuit morning. I even got one for George, and damn if he hasn’t turned picky on what he eats again. He walked up, smelled it and then walked away. Me thinks I’m feeding him to much.
Maybe he’s like me and prefers a sausage croissant instead of a dry old biscuit.
Morning SN,
He prefers to eat what I’m usually eating. Even if I put out fresh food for him, he’ll wait until I’m done eating to see if I’m going to share any of my food with him. To say he’s spoiled is an understatement.
How are you doing this fine Tuesday SN?
This fine Tuesday is all dark and rainy and I’m enjoying it immensely. My backyard looks like a dense rainforest at the moment.
How is you? Did you get those new choppers yet?
It was supposed to be a nice day today, but I just took George out again and it’s raining. Needless to say, I had to pick George up and carry him out to the middle of the yard because he won’t step on wet grass.
Nope on the choppers. I’ve got probably two more appointments before I get them. It will be a pleasure to be able to just eat properly again. Not to mention getting rid of this bushy mustache.
So, you can’t shave until it’s done, FM?
Oh I could shave it off, but with missing teeth from the dental work and so on, I would hate to present a picture of a red neck from “Deliverance” yelling squeal like a pig.
Nope I keep the stache until the choppers get in and then shave it off. Actually one the stache come off I’ll look like a 25 y.o. again. You buying any of that? 🙂
I know that’s why I keep my mustache….
Yep but yours looks so much better on you than mine does on me. 😛
You should do the full ZZ Top look with a long beard too.
I had a beard in my 20’s and talk about looking scraggly. Plus as adverse as I am to work, a beard takes a little bit of work to keep up. So that’s out the door to begin with.
Well as much as I hate to, I’ve got a list of 10 things I’ve got to get done today. So it’s out the door and downtown to start.
See ya’ll later on.
I am sitting in a downtown coffee shop, drinking hot tea and watching homeless people get soaked by the rain. My blueberry muffin doesn’t taste so good, considering.
Oh boy! I get to go to a mini-conference at Madison, Indiana tomorrow. Its one of my favorite spots on the Ohio. Maybe it won’t rain until I’m back.
Enjoy the trip. Take us some more nice pictures of the river. And Hanover if you’re going there (even after the tornado ripped up so many trees, I still think it’s one of the prettiest campuses).
I rode with someone else, so only got to go Clifty Falls State Park where the meeting was. It rained the whole time, so alas, no pix this time around. Mrs. ID and I will return sometime by ourselves when the weather is a little nicer and we can explore.
Not quite “yet another” since this is the first Hump Day of the The Woods Are Really Green season.
click for larger
Good morning Andi and ID.
Everything is quiet down here, but we’re supposed to have thunderstorms coming through again today.
Well I can’t say everything is quiet. George has been a barking machine ever since my brother and sil got here last week. I think they’re leaving today, and hopefully there will be some peace and quiet in the house for awhile.
We were supposed to have thunderstorms here too but I see if it’s been downgraded to showers, which is just fine with me.
I’ve never understood how dogs can bark and bark and bark like that without their throats getting soar. Giddy does that too — but she’s outside and always waits until we’ve just fallen asleep for maximum effect.
I don’t understand it myself. I don’t see how George can keep on and on and on just barking. It would seem like he would get tired after awhile.
The funny thing is, my brother tells me when I’m gone from the house that he and my sil don’t hear a peep out of George. However, once I come back into the house, he starts going off. I’ve thought before it might be he thinks he protecting me by that barking. If anything, the only thing he’s accomplishing is I’m about to climb the walls.
Ugh, barking. Dumbledore has become more of a barker as he’s gotten older, usually in the morning to voice his displeasure over us not getting up fast enough.
Are you all beautifully green there after all your rain?
It is absolutely rainforest-y here.
Same here. I’m trying to remember the last time the dogwoods flowering was so abundant.
My dogwood looks wonderful this year.
Same here too.
Pond pictures. ;P
Yeah, yeah I know. 😉
Matter of fact George is whinning to go out. Now if I can find my camera, I might take some pictures. 😛
See ya’ll later.
See ya. I guess I’ll head too.
I’m hoping that all this rain will translate into an amazing year for the CSA farm.
Good morning CG,
George has been a yapper ever since he was a puppy. When his half brother Henry was alive, Henry hardly ever got into barking mode. A week after I bought George home, Henry was yapping just as much as George. I remember thinking “Great, now I’ve got two of them.” 🙂
Usually with George if he has to go out or he’s hungry he doesn’t bark. He has this whine that’s just as bad as the barking. I know most of his behavior is my fault for not training him. But I figure in human years he’s in his mid nineties. So both of us are to old to start the training.
If you’re not there to notice that he’s unhappy, there’s no point in making the announcement.
Yep but I wish he could just announce it to someone else every now and then.
but but but you’re the only one he cares about. 🙂
To which he almost makes painfully clear. 🙂
Hi Family Man! Here’s how it really works, although in reverse for your situation.
Hiya ID,
I wish George did understand me because I’d really let him know how I felt about his barking.
The brother and sil left late this morning, and I haven’t heard a peep out of George.
Glad to hear peace has come to your abode! I’m currently trying to keep one of the cats off my good pants as I type. She wants some serious lap time and I have to go out for a party meeting. Not to worry, though, Mrs. ID will soon be home from the library and be herded into the cat’s room for some of the above.
I’m getting George a haircut on Friday. It’s way past due for one. Anytime he jumps up in my lap, he leaves a ton of hair all over my clothes from shedding.
Puppy just put both front legs and most of her head deep down into the dog water bucket, and now she’d like to come in the house.
I’m reminded constantly of the scene in Lilo and Stitch, “this is your badness level”.
It must be bad doggy form to shake off outdoors if one can possibly make it inside to do it.
Puppies don’t have a badnesss level — or at least one that is measurable. They can always find new things to do that reset the bar. 🙂
Wow, things have started early here.
There’s more rain likely here today. It’s rather dark now. I’ll continue to exercise inside. Ugh.
I feel like the rain is never going to end. We’re getting a break from it today, but it’s supposed to return tomorrow.
It’s supposed to be the same until the middle of the month!
I love the rain! It keeps those whining teabaggers at home and out of my office;-)
It’s pretty clear I’m going to need to start dropping by here in the evenings. Can’t let all the fun go by without me.
Morning/afternoon/evening all.
How are you this am? Are you supposed to have good weather today?
We’ve got rain and thunderstorms forecast through Saturday; so good for growing things, crappy for people and dogs.
Ugh. We’ve had a week of rainy weather here, and it doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon.
Morning CG,
I hope you have some pretty days coming up soon. I don’t really mind rainy weather. It’s just the accompanying high winds that bother me.
Yeah, I guess I should keep things in perspective. Have you been having tornado weather?
Yep we were in tornado watch for a good part of yesterday. I wouldn’t really mind the high winds that much if we didn’t have so many tall pine and oak trees right around the house.
It’s spring. I think rain is unavoidable. Which is really tough around here because of last year’s 100-year flood, every hard rain brings on massive panic.
I just looked at our forecast and we’ve only got a 30% chance for rain during the next couple of days.
This morning if I could kick myself, I would be kicking myself all over my room. I did one of those things were later you’re thinking how could I have been so stupid.
I had a candle burning and I decided to put it out. Instead of leaning over and blowing it out, I picked up a can of the compressed air. I give it a shot of the air and wax goes flying everywhere. It’s all over the table, the wall, the lamp and even on my printer.
I was thinking it’s a good thing you don’t have to be smart to get older. Because if that was the case, I wouldn’t have made it out of my teens.
Well FM, if no one does the scientific experiments, no matter how personally costly, there would never be any advancement. So thank you for letting us all know that compressed air is not an effective method of candle extinguishment. 😉
See how much I care about ya’ll. I put myself through that so ya’ll won’t have to. Thank goodness I was experimenting with anything dangerous. 🙂
Good judgement come from experience – which usually comes from bad judgement.
FM, that is funniest, laziest thing I’ve heard in a long time. One time my son blew out a big candle that had been burning for a long time and had a big pool of liquified wax…and he blew so hard it splattered all over his face and waxed his eyes shut. It looked horrible and we were all stunned into silence, but it quickly became apparent that he was fine and then we laughed our asses off. He looked pretty funny laughing hysterically with his eyes glued shut and the front of his hair sticking up like he was frozen in a state of shock.
Um, good thing you didn’t use hairspray;-)
we’ve got rain coming but its not here yet. I hope it holds off – I have tickets to the afternoon Cardinals game. Good clients/great tickets.
I’ve got an early doctor’s appointment, so I’ll see ya’ll later.
See ya. Hope all goes well.
Good luck, FM. I’ve really got to get here earlier.
‘Afternoon, all. Hope everyone’s enjoying a good day. As for me: rain, drizzle, gloom, rain, chill, rain, rain. Gloom. Rain.
A pressing Foto question for willing & talented pond-mates.
Looking back over my image files, it’s clear that my camera’s images have deteriorated markedly — in terms of clarity — since she was new in ’02. Why would this be so? Do image cards actually wear out over time? Can there be a problem with condensation if the camera is unused for a time and/or lives in a storage unit in the middle of a rain forest? Is this yet another instance of planned obsolescence meant to drive me insane personally?
Though I love her & have pledged my undying commitment to our partnership, my camera’s behavior is becoming both repulsive & embarrassing.
Thanks for thoughts & recommendations for corrective action/a new girlfriend.
If there’s a friendly site where amateurs can ask similar questions, kindly point my snoot thusly.
Mille grazie.
Hi there! I actually noticed your photos look a little like the lens they use when photographing Barbara Walters. My old camera (not a digital) somehow got condensation trapped inside and the same thing happened to the images. So, in short, I don’t know the answer to your question. 🙂
Shared experience is interesting, too.
given the dampness and temp extremes of your micro-climate, it sure sounds like condensation and/or excessive dust build up on the lens and/or sensor.
not a deal breaker unless it’s left for long periods, then you chance damaging the electronics, at which point the cam is essentially worthless.
rather than give you a long list of options and cure, a quick google search comes up with a couple fairly good articles…check these out:
cam condensation problems, nyt
preventing/curing condensation
digital cam condensation problem.
if you have any desiccant the fix is fairly simple, but may take a few days to clear up. the alternative is to take it to a shop and have it cleaned, but given it’s age, it’d probably be less expensive to get a new one.
good luck.
if you have, or can get, a couple of those small packets of desiccant, throw one or two in your cam bag and leave it there. then keep the cam in the bag when not in use. l keep some in both bags, even the old film cam one, which rarely gets used.
also, often aspirin bottles, etc will have small desiccant cylinders as part of the packaging, and l’ve been know to save them and use them too.
Thanks for your thoughts, dada!
Much appreciated.
This week’s theme is “Open up the dictionary at random, point & shoot.”. So point yourself right over here and come join the fun.