The Republicans have a strange fetish:
Republican leaders say that as the 2010 congressional races heat up, they will continue to attack House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ’s assertions that the CIA misled her during a classified briefing on interrogation techniques.
Pete Sessions of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said Pelosi’s comments will be a prominent theme as the GOP looks to oust vulnerable Democrats in swing districts.
“The Speaker has raised an allegation that on its face is very serious. . . . . She threw down the gauntlet,” Sessions said. He said the GOP had yet to develop new campaign advertising to attack Pelosi, but would probably produce such messages later in the 2010 campaign. “We’ll let you know when we have them,” Sessions said in an interview.
You can walk into any bar in this country, from a redneck Honky Tonk in Western Michigan to an all-black bar in North Philly, and you’ll find near unanimous consensus that the CIA is in the business of bullshitting the people of this country. If you try to run down the military in those places you might get your ass kicked. But run down the CIA? Hell, you’ll probably get your ass kicked for defending them. It isn’t that the CIA is all that unpopular exactly, it’s just that everyone enjoys sharing their own conspiracy theories about them. They don’t want to listen to nonsense about how the CIA is on the up-and-up. They know that’s horsecrap.
So, crafting a whole political campaign on the premise that it’s some kind of gay San Francisco heresy to question the integrity of the CIA is more than a little loopy. People love their country and don’t like to hear a bunch of liberal whining about why it sucks. That’s true. But they aren’t going to get all upset if someone states the obvious, which is that the CIA doesn’t tell Congress jackshit and half the shit they tell Congress is a lie.
On the other hand, the Research 2000 Weekly Tracking Poll shows that Pelosi took a major hit from all the criticism she has received over this episode. That’s because people think she’s lying, not because she talked shit about the CIA. The GOP wants to weaken Pelosi so that they can use her against vulnerable Democrats. In that sense, these attacks make sense. It’s not the specific topic that matters because anything could serve the same purpose if it raised doubts about Pelosi’s credibility.
The Republicans would be smart to use this incident as a stepping stone to raising further questions about Pelosi’s integrity rather than trying to convince people that the CIA was telling the truth. Eventually, Pelosi will be vindicated and the Republican attack-line will fall flat. It’s kind of like the debate over whether we really found WMD in Iraq. It worked for a while to say we did. Now, people just laugh at you.
The fact of the matter is that most people don’t share the Republicans’ deep-seated belief that no institution in our country can be criticized. The CIA, least of all.
"Peace, Little Girl"
In 1964, LBJ’s presidential campaign aired its infamous “Daisy” ad, just once, to drive home the point that it wouldn’t be an especially good idea to have Barry Goldwater with his finger on the button.
Periodically, Republicans have tried to respond with “Daisy” ads of their own. In 2006, the RNC tried to scare the bejesus out of voters, suggesting a vote for Democratic congressional candidates is a vote for a nuclear attack by al Qaeda.
This didn’t work. Today, the RNC is trying again.
The RNC is launching a Web ad highlighting Democrats’ divisions over the future of Guantanamo Bay, ABC News has learned.
The ad intersperses video from one of the most famous and controversial political ads of all time — Lyndon Johnson’s “Daisy” ad from the 1964 presidential campaign against Barry Goldwater.
“To close it? To close it not?” a voice asks several times, with video playing of the little girl from the LBJ ad.
The ad shows several clips of Democrats — including Obama, Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. — contradicting each other over what the fate of Guantanamo should be.
The Web ad fades with a single word on the screen: “Really?”
This isn’t an actual ad that television viewers will see; it’s a web ad that the RNC expects news networks to air, over and over again, for free. I suspect that part of the strategy will work pretty well.
Huffington Post – RNC Remixes 1964 “Daisy” Ad For Gitmo
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Was it really just once? I recall seeing it many times. Perhaps it only aired once and network news showed it over and over as part of the controversy.
It ends up being aired every election cycle to provide context for pundits’ analysis of the current attack ads.
I’m pretty sure that the intended audience is the evangelical faction, given their long history of anticipating the end of the world any minute now.
I wouldn’t worry about it too much. They can fling all of the red meat they want to the base, but until they can come up with a cohesive message other than “we’re not Democrats”, they’ll keep losing elections just as consistently as the Democrats lost elections when their message was “we’re just like Republicans, only not as much”.
I suppose the Republicans have to do something to justify the financial support from the right wing billionaires and half-billionaires. They won’t win anyone over now by attacking President Obama so they go after the Speaker of the House.
I think that lying to Congress was one of the disgusting things former CIA director Tennant did to earn that Presidential Medal of Freedom from the Bush/Cheney gang.
Except .. they’ve been attacking Pelosi since mid-2006 … I remember Sean Insanity harping on that the middle of 2006 .. because they were afraid the Dems would take the House .. which everyone even then knew would make Pelosi speaker .. if it happebed(which of course it did) .. obviously now .. the whole TradMed is trying to knock her down a notch or two … but it’s not like Pelosi just started becoming the scorn of the TradMed
I forgot to mention .. the RNC now has a web ad up comparing Pelosi to Pussy Galore(of James Bond fame .. so yes .. a movie character) …. and I must say .. I don’t get it … is Obama supposed to be Goldfinger? … Isn’t the sign of a good ad that people get it right away? .. Is Michael Steele trying to fail on purpose?
With our free trade laws and companies desiring to maximize their profits out of greed, the U.S. economy. is floundering. Last year we saw banks fall into trouble because of so many bad mortgage accounts because people being put out of work can no longer make their mortgage payment. While the government keeps telling us how strong our economy is, anyone with insight will realize they’re just blowing smoke to make us feel good. So what can we as individuals and citizens do to fight the failing economy?read more click
Who cares about the CIA? This is red meat for the misogynists.
You know that Nancy is too uppity. And she’s from the evil city of San Fran – gays, hippies, rich white women, oh my!
The thing that baffles me is that Nancy Pelosi isn’t all that popular on the left to begin with, and the right dislikes all Democrats regardless. Who are they pitching this message to?
I know I’d be perfectly happy to see a large chunk of the Dem leadership in Congress, starting with Pelosi and Reid, lose their next primary. Only it’s not because of their integrity — I long ago lost any illusions I had about that — but because as long as there is one Republican in Congress, they can be counted on to capitulate to him. The weird thing is that things can only get worse for the GOP if Pelosi is replaced.
But then again, no one ever accused the Republicans of making sense.
I’d love to see Cheney in this:
What has clarified and now can be said is that the Republican rump is the political wing of the CIA. There is not a torture tactic that the Republicans won’t support, a spy program they won’t support, a civil or legal right they won’t attack in defense of our international secret police. They will back any coup or international dirty trick the CIA pulls without question.
And with the current eruption over Pelosi it’s clear that they are participating in the CIA’s attack on her. It’s not the Republicans using the CIA. It’s the CIA using the Republicans.