Progress Pond

The Ventura Strategy

This, I want to see.

Ventura says that Hannity cut short his interview with him before they had a chance to discuss waterboarding because he’s afraid of the former governor and pro wrestler.

“He’s scared to death of me,” says Ventura. “It was over in a few minutes and that was it.”

Ventura offered his own version of Keith Olbermann’s vow to give a thousand dollars to charity for every second that Hannity undergoes waterboarding.

“I’ll bet [Hannity] a thousand bucks that I can get him to say ‘Barack Obama is the greatest president’ — if I get him to say it, he’ll give the thousand to charity and if I can’t, I’ll give the money to charity.”

This is actually the strategy I’d like to see the Democrats adopt across the board, including on the issue of Guantanamo detainees. Question the courage of the Republicans. Call them cowards and challenge them to prove otherwise.

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