This is a truly weird article. I can’t imagine having that kind of view of human sexuality and marriage. What is most appalling to me, though, isn’t even the view that marriage exists to protect females from sexual conquest. What’s most appalling is the idea that gay marriage doesn’t involve a merging of families. Why? Don’t you treat your son’s husband in much the same way that you would have treated his wife?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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It’s not about how you treat them, it’s about the Blood. Which the uneducated call genes, which of course do not exist, since that would imply there might be evolution. Gay couples are not able to fulfill the divine purpose of marriage, which is for the male to plant the homunculus in the empty vessel.
Translation: “Same-sex marriage will eventually fail completely because marriage is in and of itself a “nuisance”, so why should we even bother to let same-sex marriage exist since it’s doomed to fail? Let’s save time and money and just outlaw the practice. It’s better for our gay and lesbian friends in the long run, you see.”
Maybe it’s just me, but it always seemed that the important part of the quest for gay marriage was recognition of gays as social equals and access to the important benefits of legal marriage, of which health insurance, child custody, and right of survivorship are the main concerns, not entry into the “kinship system”.
I know that this is probably impossible for the herd-following-by-nature conservative clique to understand, but not everyone thinks extended families are such a hot deal, which is why they have largely disintegrated as the dominant social institution. For the rest of the population, “family”, like “tradition”, has a neutral — at best — connotation by default. As the author of this fucked up article says:
Exactly. You can’t choose your relatives, but you sure as hell can avoid them in favor of more pleasant people to whom one is unrelated.
Shorter version. Because I’ve been divorced by three women in heterosexual marriages, gay marriage won’t work.
“weirdo” is too kind a description:
“the sodomized virgin exception”
“giving women freedom”
and from the same post:
(via digby)
I love it. What a nightmarish vision of human relations and marriage! There is no question that the institution of marriage comes with a lot of historical baggage, sexual too, but not only sexual. And this baggage is all that seems truly definitive about marriage to the very articulate Mr. Schulman. In a through-the-looking-glass sense, I suspect a lot of “progressives” at least partly agree with Schulman — which is why they steadfastly refuse to get married. Following Schulman’s Hieronymus Bosch vision to its logical conclusion though, I guess becoming a hermit is really the only way out.
Apparently this author just simply hasn’t come to grips with his bigotry against gays.
nor his relationships with women…this dud’s creepy.
The gay couple in my extended family were family. It didn’t take any effort, the lesbian who was not my sister-in-law by marriage was accepted as part of the family. The whole family. No big deal. Their relationship, they were forbidden to be married, did break up… a couple of years after my marriage.
By the way, was there a directive to rapists to not rape married women? Or that it’s okay to make unmarried women concubines? What planet did this douchebag come from?
I can tell from the other comments that I don’t want to read the “weird article.” So I’m responding to your “merging of families” comment: My daughter is a lesbian and married but her wife is partly estranged from her family because of her orientation. So in as much as she doesn’t get along with her own mother and father, she doesn’t seek out a relationship with me. I don’t think I’ve ever had a meaningful conversation with her. We do live 3000 miles apart so that’s part of the problem… maybe if we had more direct contact, she’d feel more comfortable with me. I would venture that some gay people come with emotional baggage that conflicts with family merging.
But, this is NOT entirely an aspect of gayness. I don’t have meaningful conversations with my step-daughters either because they have conflicted feelings about their father that predisposes them to disliking me. For example, he gets along best with his son and somehow that adds up to my having good relations with that son and his soon-to-be-wife. She and I have a great friendship!
Merging families is complicated and doesn’t often work out as well as it should…
WTF? You could spend a lifetime unpacking all that is wrong with just that sentence.
no shit…
i’m glad i read it, and a lot of it resonated, the history of marriage, womens’ role as bargaining chip or concu-slave, the doom-fraught ‘honour’ credos and mafia-like clannishness that still is the rule in far too many places, he described that well enough, illuminating in fact.
when he got to trying to sum up gay marriage, he really doesn’t have the merest of clues, and reveals the contortionate thinking his poor brain is wrestling with…
he’d like to have the relaxed approach he imagines gays have to fidelity and freedom, but in his hetero life.
and he’d love to feel real guilty about it, that’s my take-away.
look at the comments, you can tell a man by the company he keeps.