Three American soldiers lost their lives today in Afghanistan. North Korea test fired two ballistic missiles after recently exploding a 10-20 kiloton nuclear device.
But by far the worst thing that has happened today is that a woman with a funny, scary non-Wasp name who’s really, really mean to old genteel white guys has been nominated to the Supreme Court. What can we do to save the republic from her evil ethnic empathy powers?
I’m sure all those Republican Senators who originally voted for her appointment to the Federal Bench will think of something.
Looks like Republican stalwarts of conservative coloration are going to raise a bit of a fuss over Obama’s first nomination to SCOTUS. After all, Sotomayor is a fighter for her gender and her ethnicity. She seems proud of her heritage and what she has accomplished so far in life. Good for her and maybe, just maybe, Republican opposition to her appointment will drive another nail into the GOP electoral coffin. Keep it up guys, your spot in the political cemetery awaits you.
Remember the old BC cartoon with the cave dwellers standing outside the cave, shivering, when suddenly the clouds darkened, wind began to blow and lightening struck a pile of leaves outside the cave.
FIRE!!! screamed the one caveman and quickly began to warm his hands on the small flames.
FIRE??? screamed the second caveman who then quickly stomped the fire out.
(where is evolution when you need it?)
She’ll take away everything that angry old white men hold dear.
I have no idea whether Sotomayor will be a good, mediocre or bad justice, but I think the Obama administration does itself no favors by trying to sell this nomination by emphasizing her “warm personal story”.
What I want in a Supreme Court Justice is someone with the fortitude to stand up to the Gang of Four.
I hope Sotomayor is someone with that kind of character.
Obama’s not selling Sotomayor to us, he’s trying to sell her to enough moderates to get this over quickly and cleanly, but not so quickly and cleanly that the GOP doesn’t have time to thoroughly marginalize itself still further than it has already.
Obama’s basic strategy with respect to the GOP seems to work like this: he walks out in front of the White House with an old rusty fork and shouts to the GOP, “Hey, you big pussies, I dare you to stab yourself in the eyes with this! I bet you can’t!” And then, while they’re busy stabbing themselves in the eyes with the aforementioned old rusty fork, he goes back into the White House to find another old rusty fork.
Cruel, you say? Maybe, but let’s remember that having a severe learning disability doesn’t stop one from also being a gigantic asshole. They’re getting what they deserve.
you gave me a good laugh.