Geroge Will is a white dude. There is nothing wrong with that. Hell, I’m a white dude. Being a white dude is pretty cool and I have no complaints. Up until this January, every president in the history of his country had been a white dude. We get to run stuff and order affairs to our liking. It’s always been that way. In the entire history of this country, we’ve only had two women ever serve on the Supreme Court. Two women and two blacks…every other Justice in American history has been a white dude. And the white dudes who have made and interpreted our laws have done a pretty good job, for the most part. But, occasionally we get clunkers like this:
“We consider the underlying fallacy of the plaintiff’s argument to consist in the assumption that the enforced separation of the two races stamps the colored race with a badge of inferiority. If this be so, it is not by reason of anything found in the act, but solely because the colored race chooses to put that construction upon it.”- Justice Henry Billings Brown, writing for the majority in Plessy v. Ferguson
Plessy was one-eighth black, so he had to ride in the colored car on the train. White dudes on the Supreme Court (who were, as they supposed, zero-eighths black) had a striking lack of empathy, don’t you think? Which brings me to George Will:
Her ethnicity aside, Sotomayor is a conventional choice. The court will remain composed entirely of former appellate court judges. And like conventional liberals, she embraces identity politics, including the idea of categorical representation: A person is what his or her race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual preference is, and members of a particular category can be represented — understood, empathized with — only by persons of the same identity.
Democrats compounded confusion by thinking of the court as a representative institution. Such personalization of the judicial function subverts the rule of law.
What Monsieur Will calls ‘personalization of the judicial function’ most people call ‘perspective.’ White dudes have one perspective. Everyone else has another. I don’t think liberals want to see a diverse race and gender Court because they expect those Justices to dole out favors like machine politicians. They want a diverse race and gender Court because a court of white dudes tends to lack perspective into what it was like to grow up in South Bronx Puerto Rican public housing during the 1950’s and 1960’s. They don’t know what it’s really like in the ghetto, with the payday lenders and various other ‘legalized’ scams people develop to keep people down. Believe it or not, a Supreme Court Justice must often exercise judgment as to intent, harm, causation, and other matters that are not detailed in statutory language. And, in weighing those things, perspective matters. What is the human cost of segregated public facilities? Nine white dudes are probably not the right panel to ask.
Whether you call it perspective or empathy, the modern conservative movement has now declared this non-white dude point of view to be verboten. Here’s my question for Mr. Will. Isn’t the whole premise of your argument that you don’t need blacks and latinos or women on the Court because White dudes are perfectly capable of understanding their concerns under the law? Isn’t that what we call ’empathy’? You’re saying white dudes have empathy, but then you’re saying that they shouldn’t have it. A bunch of white dudes without empathy gave us Plessy v. Ferguson, which gave us Jim Crow. Do you see why we keep accusing your party of being racist? Is it that hard to see why? Why do you think that is, Mr. Will?
Given Matt Yglesias’ recent post on Goldfarb’s stupidity .. I am wondering at what point we can call people like Goldfarb and Will racists. Given Will’s position in life(and the fact that Goldfarb did work for the McCain disaster of a campaign), they can’t get away with the excuse of being dim-witted, can they?
This is spot on:
Can you tell me if my tea leaf reading is correct? Putting 2 and 2 together, that passage tells me that MY is indeed calling the Republicans racist. There really isn’t anything else other than that. You can lump guys like Tweety in with that. He’s all for white male privilege as well.
I don’t think there is much to debate. This firefighter from New Haven is going to totally take Joe the Plumber’s job away.
great piece, but sad to see the good people and firemen of new haven used and smeared by dishonest conservatives.
Goerge Will is as predictable as a knee jerk reflex.
Or more particularly, the old and angry white dudes.
Couldn’t agree more about Mr. George Will. However … as to perspective, Clarence Thomas is a pretty good illustration of the fact that not all non-white-dudes who grew up poor will turn out to be any wiser or more empathetic as adults. All said and done, Thomas shouldn’t have been confirmed for the much simpler reason that he was not qualified– regardless of anything else (and that’s a big “regardless,” of course). And Sotomayor should be confirmed because she IS qualified.
(CAUTION: Guaranteed to offend some if not most people)
Nice article, BooMan, well thought out and very well expressed. And, it is a great pleasure for me to hear George Will whine. He is such a phoney; both as to being an intellectual and a humanitarian. His pain is proof positive to me that the choice of Judge Sotomayor to the Supreme Court is a fine one, indeed.
After all the embarrassingly stupid rethug answers to OBama saying his pick should have the horrifying empathy gene it has come to light that as usual the rethugs were running off at the mouth before thinking…or what passes for their thinking. Seems there is the little matter of Daddy Bush using the word empathy when he nominated good old boy Clarence Thomas. I’m still waiting for CT’s so called empathy to make an appearance after these 20 or so years.
Interesting considering that the one rule of thumb we can hang our hats on is that it’s in the Rep DNA not to recognize much less understand or God forbid empathisize with another human being’s plight until they experience it first hand.
Case in point, the ding dong radio personality who chewed up the airwaves denying that waterboarding was torture until he experienced 8 seconds of it personally and suddenly got it.
And remember Cheney trying to reconcile his daughter’s coming out with the Rep stance on gay rights?
Of course Sotomeyer will bring a different ‘perspective’ the court, the more perspectives the closer we come to the spirit of our Constitution.
The stupid, it burns.
One word in response to that: Boehner.
This was left in the comments section over at JJP, and I thought it was on point:
For the life of me, I can not understand why anyone would disagree with that. I’ve asked before and I’ll ask again if white men can make good decisions on behalf of women and minorities and the minority and female experience does not lend to better jurispudence in a diverse society then why has justice for women and minorities been so damn slow?! It is absolutely absurd to believe that if white men had been subjected to discrimination that it would have taken them almost 100 years after the end of slavery to end segregation in this country. The absurd doctrine of separate but equal could only be be born in the mind of someone who had not experienced racism. Every single day in this country judges make decisions based on their own life’s experience. That doesn’t mean you ignore or re-write the law, but judge’s have a lot of discretion and that discretion is in part ruled by their life’s experience.