Frank Gaffney, Moonie Times:
During his White House years, William Jefferson Clinton — someone Judge Sonia Sotomayor might call a “white male” — was dubbed “America’s first black president” by a black admirer. Applying the standard of identity politics and pandering to a special interest that earned Mr. Clinton that distinction, Barack Hussein Obama would have to be considered America’s first Muslim president.
This is not to say, necessarily, that Mr. Obama actually is a Muslim any more than Mr. Clinton actually is black.
You could read the rest of it, but I wouldn’t bother. The entire point he was trying to convey is contained in this introduction.
Logic is a real challenge for some people.
I think the ‘necessarily’ tells you everything you need to know.
There is so much wrong with his statement that it’s hard to know where to begin.
And by the way, Frank, are you suggesting something is wrong with being a Muslim?
Of course he is. In the wingnut world view, America is a Christian country and the Muslims are the Enemy. When we’re not being surrounded by paganism, of course.
(For the quarter to a third of us who live in the science-based age of reason, we’re just hoping we can stop fighting religious extremists over there so we can devote our full energies to fighting them over here.)
I just wish the right would figure out that their two most popular memes, that Obama is a Marxist messiah and that he is a crypto-Muslim, are largely mutually contradictory. Seriously, which is it? Sharia law or the dictatorship of the proletariat? They can’t have both.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Hey Booman- I am going off topic but I want to get this out to you as early as possible. Was listening to Ed Schultz just now and he is reporting that Dodd just stated that the health proposal that he will enter this PM will NOT include anything regarding a single payer option. According to Ed, dodd is claiming that the single payer option will be introduced “later”!
Look Boo- this has to be numero uno. It really is now or never! Please, Please – start the ball rolling. If the internet fails on this- what the hell did we do in 2008?
As far as gaffney is concerned. To hell with him. His is so marginalized that he is a g-d joke.
I love Ed for pushing single-payer.
But he knows we’re not gonna get it. I saw him in DC and he admitted as much. He’s pushing it because it should be on the table. And that’s great. But I’m pushing for a public option because that is where the real battle is.
oh. okay. I see what you are talking about. The HELP mark-up has no public option in it right now. I don’t understand that. It’s not a good sign.
I guess that i was as usual, not a clear as i should have been. I would gladly bend down and kiss every congress person shoes if they passed a health care bill that included the public option!
However, it is the exclusion, or the non- inclusion of the “public option” that infuriates me. And i have to tell you that it is the dems that have me seething! We one in 08. We took 11 bush states. We have 59 senators. We have an enormous majority in the house. The public has expressed their disgust with the gop. What the hell is wrong with the dems?
“What the hell is wrong with the dems? “
They’re politicians.
How do we know that Bill Clinton is not black? There has been plenty of crossing of the color line in both directions. One branch of Thomas Jefferson’s family has switched back and forth several times. I’m willing to bet that Bill has African marker genes, just like me.
so, Frank, who’s the prominent muslim who welcomed Obama as a muslim?
and Gaffney forgets why Bill Clinton was called the “first black president” – iirc, it wasn’t Clinton’s “pandering” or identity politics, it was how the Republicans treated him and Hillary that earned him the title. Wasn’t it Chris Rock who started it?
no, toni morrison.
a person of gravitas. Gaffney is pitiful as well as logic challenged