Progress Pond

There is no Obama Effect

Obama had no effect on what’s been happening in Iran or elsewhere in the Middle East. Instead, it’s the Bush Effect, doncha know!

“I think it’s fair to say the George Bush’s Freedom Agenda planted seeds that have started to grow in the Middle East,” Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer remarked in an e-mail to Washington Post reporter Glenn Kessler on Sunday, responding to the huge turnout for Iranian reform candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi. […]

Fleischer wrote that “one of the reasons there is a substantial reform movement in Iran — particularly among its young people — is because of George W. Bush’s tough policies.”

“A big push for reform is because of the desire of Iranians to get out from sanctions, to put an end to the country’s international ostracism,” Fleischer claimed, “because Shiites in particular see Shiites in Iraq having more freedoms than they do. Bush’s tough policies have helped give rise to the reformists and I think we’re witnessing that today.”

“Outreach to the people of Iran” also helped, Fleischer said, including State Department “people-to-people exchange programs.”

Is there nothing these people won’t say to try to make us forget what total jerkwads they were for eight long miserable years? Do they really believe Cheney’s threats and plans to attack Iran, possibly with tactical nuclear weapons have been forgotten, or that they played any role in promoting freedom? Do they think we’ll just forget that Bush had a chance to strike a deal with a moderate Iranian regime back in 2003 and Cheney rejected it out of hand, or that the Bush administration’s bellicosity toward Iran helped elect the more hard line conservative candidate, Mahmoud Ahmadinejehad as President in 2005?

I suppose they do. They really do think most Americans are morans.

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