A dead dog at that. So I have nothing. I see my doctor tomorrow to check and make sure I don’t have the H1N1 flu. Hopefully I’ll have something antibiotics will knock out.
Oh and yes, this is an OPEN THREAD. Tell me what’s going on with the Crazee Eddie GOP, who shafted us among the Dems (again), what you think of Iran, or anything else on your mind.
don’t play games with this flu steven. It is one really nasty monstor!!
What’s going on? Don’t bother with the goopers. It’s the dems that need to be checked out. Daschle just came out against the single payer option. Hows that for supporting the O man! I gotta tell ya. With friends like that, can anyone not except the simple fact that the dems are a bunch of worthless pieces of shite!
We are going to have to march and march and march and if we can’t count on the bastards then we have to vote them out!
I just finished with my cold/allergy/slight fever problems, but thankfully very quickly this time. I hope that’s true for you as well, Steven.
Crazee Eddie? I remember that loony guy!! 😉 He made memorable commercials, even if he was a crook.
Daschle shafted us.
l guess we should be glad he’s not HHS sec, eh.
and what the hell are baker and dole, two has beens, doing running off at the mouth. they’re not going to be voting on it.
Who is he lobbying for these days?
And since this is an open thread … can Tom Daschle ever stop being a Wanker?
FYI, you get more jail time in Arizona for an Extreme DUI (30 Days), than if you tie a noose around someone’s neck in an attempt to “Get the Mexican” in America’s Most Livable City. The one person charged (there were several attackers) was sentenced to only 10 days behind bars and avoided an ethnic intimidation charge. God Bless America™
Tough times here in the Buckeye State
Makes me so proud to be a Buckeye.
That really sucks. What douche bags.
I Wonder how many homes with “jumbo Loans” got a ticket. It is obvious the ordinance is directed towards poor people without the means to lay a concrete driveway or park their car in the backyard.
Digby, bringing me down with what I fear is a heavy dose of reality on the direction of the health care debate.
Read it all here. It is not a pleasant read, but I am afraid the likelihood is high that it hits the nail squarely on the head.
but, but, but…all the insurance and big healthcare providers are such upfront people…sho nuff.
Aaaahhh yes….the Scrushy dude.
But I’m sure he’s just a “lone wolf” among the healthcare crowd. Most certainly an aberration.
To better understand what’s going on in Iran, as well as in other parts of the world, it’s important to consider bigger geopolitical/economic issues currently hitting the fan:
China, Russia and countries like Iran will not sit quietly by and allow America to devalue it’s currency and government debt without a fight. We are (or have been) in economic war and the sheeple don’t yet realize it. Baaaaah.
The truth will be hard to decipher in this brave new world. Who knows what’s going on in Iran right now and in Georgia last year, and indeed, all over the world. I know enough not to trust anyone right now. All of our cherished belief-systems are under attack as economic forces bigger than anything in human history are being unleashed.
I expect the spooks to be busy.
Speaking of that, interesting games going on with the “fake” U.S. bonds that were smuggled into Switzerland.
With the U.S. spending at least $100MM in clandestine activities in Iran last year and with government propaganda machines all over the world working on hyperdrive who knows what the truth is and what is going on in the world.