Here’s some delusional for you. Grover Norquist doesn’t think the Ensign and Sanford sex scandals are a bad sign.
“I disagree with the idea that this shows problems for the modern Republican Party,” said Grover Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, a group that applauded Mr. Sanford’s attempt to refuse some federal stimulus funds earlier this year. In reference to the fiscally conservative philosophies of Mr. Ensign and Mr. Sanford, he joked, “I think instead it shows that sexual attractiveness of limited-government conservatism.”
See, what happened was that Ensign and Sanford espoused limited-government conservative principles which made them irresistible to the opposite sex. If they had, say, espoused big-government conservative principles like George W. Bush, no women would have been attracted to them and no adultery could have occurred. And since one woman agreeing to sleep with you is the equivalent of all women wanting to vote for you, these affairs really demonstrate the potent and virile appeal of the Republican platform.
Umm, no.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Perkins had things to hide(meaning either Sanford or Ted Haggard type skeletons).
Most of those evangelical leaders are eventually exposed as either perverts, closet hypocrites, or thieves.
Want some more delusional? You got it.
We don’t police our own? I’m pretty sure we’d be talking about President Hillary Clinton right now if her husband had kept it in his pants and hadn’t sent his cabinet out to lie for him. We defended Clinton against impeachment. That doesn’t mean that Democrats ever wanted to see his ass again after he served out his term.
It would still have been Obama. 😉
I’m pretty sure we’d be talking about President Hillary Clinton right now if her husband had kept it in his pants and hadn’t sent his cabinet out to lie for him.
Actually, that wouldn’t have mattered. She’d be president if she had listened to Bob Graham(no DFH he was). If you remember, Graham was the one who told her to read the NIE about Iraq. She didn’t. She voted for the Iraq AUMF and the rest is history.
BooMan, how do you do it? How do you find so many of these moral hypocrites in the Republican Party who proudly cavort through the the highways and byways of our political culture. Have you been born with some sort of built-in shit detector that allows you to spot these cartoon characters so effortlessly?
However you do it, keep up your fine work. You are like a breath of fresh air as we walk over the dung hill that American life has become, especially, since the arrival on the national scene of that malodorous clown from Texas. You know, Bush the Younger.
Those comments are just an example of more right-wing “nuttery.”
Wow, the secret to sexual success exposed.
Funny, you should point this out: I was thinking last night about how Spitzer and John Edwards are politically ruined, absolutely destroyed by their lyin’, cheatin’, irresponsible weinie-wavin’. And how Vitter, Ensign and now, Sanford aren’t shunned, reviled and forced into hiding by the Republicans. Instead, their buddies close ranks around them and they hold their positions. I mean, why is it that it’s Okay If You Are A Republican?
We’re supposed to be the tolerant, amoral liberals, aren’t we? Yet, we are utterly unforgiving when we discover politicos who have lied to us. It’s not that we’re prudes; it’s not the sex-out-of-marriage that repulses us. It’s their hypocrisy and the revelation of their lack of character that outrage us.
Partly the answer lies in the “Xtian faith” all these buffoons profess. I recalled that my redneck brother used to believe he could go out on Friday and Saturday nights, get blind drunk and beat the shit out of his wife. Then, on Sunday morning, he could cry and beg Jezus for forgiveness and Presto! He was forgiven and his soul was clean for another week until he repeated the cycle. There was never any need to change his pattern of behavior because “Gawd Knows we’re all flawed sinners.” All you gotta do to wipe the slate clean is take a shower in tears of public humiliation.
But the real heart of the matter is: Their adultery proves their virility! The GOP is the party of adolescent males with fantasies about gettin’ it up and pokin’ “exotic wimmen.” These rancid rotters are the secret envy of all their buddies! Behind the scenes, they’re slapping ’em on the back, leaning in with a leer and saying, “You old dawg, you. Jus’ don’t get caught next time, okay?”
Forgiving your own is standard authoritarian behavior. I’ve mentioned The Authoritarians by Prof. Bob Altemeyer before but here it is again.
And while Sanford was refusing to accept federal monies to extend unemployment benefits in S.C. he was apparently flying down to Argentina at taxpayer expense to cheat on his heiress wife.
And Ensign’s honey trap was second in command to the guy who was embezzling millions from the NRCC. I wonder what promises these guys are supposed to be keeping.
if he’s so sexually attractive, why did he have to go all the way to argentina to find a mistress? norquist is a nut, but even under his own theory, this only suggests that sanford wasn’t very attractive to his own constituants
You know-that puzzles me too-since Candy Crowley from CNN-and so many others just like her-have been willingly performing for the GOP for years!
Why use up all those ‘frequent flyer’ miles?
Mom, the flag, and apple pie…………….no longer “Made in America” I guess!
…or his own constituents held no attraction for him.