I was looking for the latest news on the Minnesota senate race when I found this:
While most Minnesotans are waiting for their never-ending U.S. Senate race to be decided by the Supreme Court in St. Paul, folks in the hamlet of Nevis, Minn., have taken matters into their own hands.
During the Hubbard County town’s July 4th celebration, a pair of piglets named Norm Coleman and Al Franken will race through downtown to determine the winner of the still-vacant Senate seat.
Tongue firmly in cheek, Mayor Dave McCumin explained: “I’m thinking, geez, this thing has taken eight months and a gazillion dollars, and we can decide this in 15 seconds. And it’ll probably be as accurate as anything the Supreme Court decides. And we’ll be done with it.”
This seems slightly more reasonable than Coleman’s court challenge.
The 4-legged critter stands a better chance of winning than the 2-legged cretin…
Interesting that they would use pigs being that both are Jewish, I believe. (The candidates, not the piggies.)
But it beats this.
l dunno, the gunfight option sounds interesting…too bad dueling’ against the law, eh.
Interesting that they would use pigs being that both are Jewish, I believe. (The candidates, not the piggies.)
Both of Brooklyn, no less. Funny thing is, Al spent more time growing up in Minnesota then Norm did.
that’s the polite, Minnesota way of saying..
Yeah, you betcha.
I often find myself mystified by the Minnesota mind (full disclosure: my wife comes from that great state), but the message I get from this is: (a)both candidates are pigs and (b) both of said pigs have (in theory) an equal chance to be senator. And yet, that runs counter to my understanding of the situation as it now stands. Nor do I think Franken is a pig.