And you thought Samuel Joseph “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher was just an iconic symbol for all the stupid people who support right wing talking points against their better interests. Come on, admit it. You thought of old Joe as just a bald headed, Mr. Clean clone (without the earring of course). A semi-literate buffoon. Well, here’s proof that he has more in his repertoire (pardon my French) than mindlessly condemning Democrats, liberals and President Obama as traitorous commie scum. Here’s proof that he’s added stand up “comedy” to his act:
Wurzelbacher has a reputation for being a blunt, politically incorrect speaker. Referring to Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., more than once, Wurzelbacher asked, “Why hasn’t he been strung up?”
Oh, kids say the darnedest things, don’t they? How hilarious. I mean, who wouldn’t laugh out loud at the thought of a prominent Democratic Senator and former presidential candidate being lynched? Admittedly, Joe may not be in Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity or O’Reilly’s league just yet. After all, they’ve pursued this line of humor for years. Joe’s just a neophyte compared to them. But clearly, the man has skilz. I’m surprised Fox news hasn’t offered him his own show yet.
Anyway, here’s a photo of a real lynching just for you Joe. I thought you would appreciate it, being as how you think lynching is a “good” thing (at least when applied to Democrats in Congress).
Maybe at your next “event” or “speaking engagement” you can pull out a poster sized blow up of this image when you tell your Chris Dodd “joke.” Trust me, with your audience I’m sure it will be greeted with uproarious laughter. Because that’s just how conservatives roll these days, doncha know.
How retro. I’m surprised that he didn’t call for waterboarding. But seriously, aren’t his 15 minutes of “fame” just about done?
15 minutes slipping away – making him desperate.
Those fifteen minutes are sure dragging by slowly.
Wait, what about jokes about the Palin family? I thought that bad-taste humor was declared to be in bad taste?
Only liberals have bad taste. You should know that!
Today’s GOP might actually opt for the real thing, not just a poster…