Progress Pond

Open Books Thread

It’s the end of the month again. This site, like so many others, cannot operate without generous donations from people like you. In this down economy, all media outlets are suffering from a dramatic drop-off in advertising revenue, and the blogosphere is no exception. It’s unfortunate, but new media is coming under tremendous financial stress and cannot exist without citizen support. To everyone who has lent support in the past, thank you for making it possible for me to get my voice out there. Making people like Dana Milbank confront his own vanities is only one of the many joys of blogging. Calling the Obama administration on their plans for indefinite detention is another. Anything you can contribute this month will be very, very appreciated. And, since I need to update the books section (I get 7.5% of all sales purchased through Powell’s Books), you can use this as a thread for listing any books that are out there that you want to read, or have read and want to recommend to others. Thanks again, and please help keep the Frog Pond around as a voice in our barren media landscape.

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