I give Charlie Savage of the New York Times credit for reporting on the many ways in which President Obama has continued national security policies of the Bush administration that are inconsistent with basic civil liberties. I get bored with people who say there is no difference. Obama has banned torture completely, for example, and he has shut down all the black prisons. Rendition and state secrets invocation policy are under review. Obama has a goal of shutting Guantanamo by next February.
But Obama’s policies still fall far short of respecting a reasonable standard of privacy and the rule of law. And, the risk is, putting a bipartisan imprimatur on these policies will make them a permanent feature of a new surveillance state.
Ah, yes, the American Empire becomes more and more an empire regardless of which party is in control. Note the importance of surveillance and steady erosion of civil liberties. Well, the democratic republic was nice while we had it.
Who would have thought the GOP was right when they derided Obama’s speeches as ‘just words’? Because in this case, they’re right. The President likes to talk a good game, but does the opposite. It’s a shame, really.
During the campaign, I never imagined that the GOP’s derision of Obama’s (too) many effervescent speeches as being nothing more than empty calories that sounded oh-so-good to the ear of liberals was absolutely correct. But they were. Obama’s words remind me of those tacky reality shows on the teevee about those super-fancy wedding cakes. Yeah, they are absolutely complex but in the end it’s only eggs, flour, sugar and water. This year’s “Muslim World” speech was simply a remixed version of last year’s “Race” speech. It was allllll the same: a simple truth revealed here and then more and more obfuscation that made everything sound so beautiful. Boilerplate Obama.
I’m still awaiting The Surprise that his Faithful Followers keep intimating will knock my socks off when he finally reveals his Master Chess Strategy while I pop my bubblegum. But I don’t believe that.
What you see with Obama is what you get. We’ve all heard a nice game, but what you have actually seen?
So is this a matter of focusing on some priorities first, or really not wanting to change Bush’s civil liberties outrages? I’m still willing to give him time, considering the pressure he’s got to be under from doomsaying members of the permanent “security” cabal. Which doesn’t mean the rest of us shouldn’t be putting on as much pressure and shame as we can muster.
“Obama has banned torture completely, for example, and he has shut down all the black prisons.“
And yet there are consistent and very credible reports that treatment of detainees at Guantanamo has worsened considerably since Obama took office, so who knows what might be going on in the less visible “black prisons”.
“Rendition and state secrets invocation policy are under review.“
Rendition should not be “under review”, it should be recognized for what it is, a crime. It is kidnapping pure and simple, and kidnapping is a crime.
“Obama has a goal of shutting Guantanamo by next February.“
Closing Guantanamo will be nothing more than a self-aggrandizing symbolic act if the rights of those imprisoned there are not recognized, acknowledged, and observed.
An article from Common Dreams-
“Obama’s policies still fall far short of respecting a reasonable standard of privacy and the rule of law.“
And basic human rights, not to mention nations’ rights to sovereignty.
Iraqi “National Sovereignty Day” was a cruel joke. Did some American general ACTUALLY give Iraqis the key to their own country?!!!!! What genius thought THAT one up?
There is something truly pathetic about Maliki declaring “National Sovereignty Day” as the day the imperial occupier sort of, but not really, stops patrolling your cities and withdraws sort of, but not really to their “enduring” bases encircling the cities five miles out in Iraq’s supposedly sovereign territory (they are, after all, ever ready to come charging in at a moment’s notice).
But then, let’s not forget that Maliki was the guy the emperor felt was acceptable after he absolutely rejected Ja`fari, the man chosen by the Iraqi Parliament for Prime Minister. So, I guess Maliki knows who his true master is.
Just click your brand Obama shoes three times and say…
“There’s no such place as Bagram. There’s no such place as Bagram. There’s no such place as Bagram.”
And YOU TOO can be just like Booman!
I like your digs, Alan. Does blogarazzi work pay?
Enjoying the blood on your hands, Booman? There’s another big offensive in Afghanistan again – should rack up quite a death toll. Or maybe you can blame it all on Ralph Nader or Cynthia McKinney or, oh, i dunno, Sasha Baron Cohen. Come on, Booboy! Make with the excuses already!
No!! Not Ali G!! That tyrant!
I get bored with pimping corporate owned politicians.
Yes, I meant to point out that plenty of American torture prisons are still alive and operational in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I get bored with people who point out inconvenient facts. Booman does too.