Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing
click to enlargeAs with most of you, I sat in shock watching the train wreck yesterday. Sarah Palin stood on her lawn and resigned as Governor of Alaska. As hard as I tried, I looked deeply into the background behind Palin and failed to see Russia, but I digress. I am one of those who thinks Palin is going to run for President. She mentioned how she wanted to change things form the outside… and I think that means the outside of Alaska and inside DC.
This strip pretty much sums up my thoughts on the issue.
( – The disinvitation from speaking, said a campaign committee official, was done “out of respect” for Gingrich.
“You dance with the one who brung ya,” said the official, who stressed that event organizers were still happy to have Palin appear and be introduced.
… after public uncertainty as to whether she had actually accepted and would attend, the NRSC and NRCC decided to invite Gingrich instead.
Palin aides in Alaska say the governor never accepted that first invitation and attributed the mix-up to Washington-based advisers.
But then last week — in part due to the urging of Republican überfundraiser and Palin friend Fred Malek — the NRSC extended a new invitation for Palin to speak. The plan, Republican sources say, was to make her appearance something of a surprise for GOP donors in attendance.
Palin was in New York this weekend on a mix of state and personal business — she celebrated the 50th anniversary of Alaska statehood at a large celebration in Auburn N.Y., the hometown of William Seward of “Seward’s Folly” fame — and the idea was that she’d swing down to the capital for the dinner before flying on to Texas for energy-related events.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
There is room for everyone in the GOP …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."