Progress Pond

John Boehner’s Beach Party

Okay, I think this takes the cake.

Yesterday, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) took the unusual step of requesting the House clerk to read aloud a 55-page motion to recommit, a process that took over 40 minutes. The obstructionist tactic, the Politico’s Glenn Thrush reports, appears to have been orchestrated by the GOP in order to delay House proceedings so Republicans could attend the annual “Boehner Beach Party” fundraising event at the Cantina Marina, a D.C. restaurant near the waterfront.

Here’s the invite:

They delayed the working of the House of Representatives for 40-minutes so Republican members and staff could go to a Beach Party-themed fundraiser for the Minority Leader. I don’t know if you can really do anything legal that can match that in offensiveness.

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