Progress Pond

Impeach Obama!

Let’s see. Obama has been President for a little over six months. During that time, he hasn’t always done everything I wanted him to do. I disagreed with his policies on a number of matters. And I have been disappointed by his continuation of a number of Bush’s policies. But that isn’t much different from how I felt about President Bush after 6 months. Yet, I don’t recall any grand uprising among the left to impeach Bush like the one on the right to impeach Obama after six months, do you? I don’t remember Impeach Bush stickers being sold one month into his term of office, do you?

It wasn’t until Bush started an illegal war against Iraq based on the lie that Saddam Hussein was armed with weapons of mass destruction (confirmed by the Downing Street memos), followed by the Valerie Plame outing incident incident, the warrantless surveillance program, illegal detentions and torture that I saw any significant demand for impeachment by a few people on the left. Even then most of the so-called left shouted down those of us calling for impeachment. The Great orange Satan Markos originally thought it was a bad idea. So did Josh Marshall of TPM. And many others. Not good politics we were told. But hell, at least we had legitimate reasons for raising the issue.

Yet A lot of our conservative brethren our not quite so patient. They have been loudly proclaiming Obama is a fascist, socialist, non-American, secret Muslim, terrorist Manchurian candidate who is going to confiscate all their guns (creating an economic boom for gunshop owners), take away their freedom of speech and put Americans in re-education camps since before he was inaugurated. And that’s not only the Rush Limbaughs and sean Hannitys of the world and their audience, but these talking points also emanate directly from the mouths of many Republican elected officials. So it’s no surprise to me to see a growing Impeach Obama movement arising on the right, and a fertile demand for merchandise like that offered by this North Carolina entrepreneur, Loren Spivack, owner of Free Market Warrior:

He opened his Free Market Warrior kiosk last spring, selling such items as “Impeach Obama” bumper stickers and baby bibs that say, “My parents chose life. Thanks Mom and Dad!”

Here’s his website, by the way, where there are many more products available for the folks who’d consider Obama a fraudulent president. For those of you who wish to stand up for your second Amendment rights, there’s a great sale on the “Come and Take it” flag if you hurry:

<img src="" height=250 width=400

Only $14.96 if you are a member ($19.95 for the rest of us socialist scumbags).

Of course, Spivack is angry that his kiosk in a local mall may be shut down by the mall owner because of the controversy over what he sells there. Hell, buddy, I don’t even remember any malls that allowed “leftist merchandise” to be sold within their confines, do you? I assume the mall owner has a lease with you, and I’d look to the terms of that lease to see what your respective rights may be. This isn’t a public space we’re talking about, it’s private property. I thought conservatives were all big on the rights of property owners to control what can and cannot be done on their privately owned real estate.

Oh well, I’m sure this is all part of Obama’s grand conspiracy to destroy America. I’ll bet his thugs called the mall owner to put the squeeze on poor Mr. Spivack.

After all, Obama isn’t a Real American, so he must hate America. He sure hasn’t proved he is a natural born citizen beyond a shadow of a doubt to the likes of Crazy Eileen, so why not impeach him. God knows what could happen if he remains in office. I mean, the man bowed to the Saudi King, and shook hands with Hugo Chavez! He wants to pass health care reform socialized medicine! He’s trying to appoint a known Latina racist to the Supreme Court! And he hates white police officers! How many more outrages must God fearing White Americans endure before this meddlesome black man is removed from the Oval Office?

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