Progress Pond

Swift Boating the Birthers

These Swift Boat guys remain active in all subversive attacks on Democrats today. I’m pretty sure they are the backers of the birthers after looking up WhoIs of Jim’s website: and link with Russian born lawyer/dentist/real estate agent Orli Taitz and her website. Both link with a server address used by alliances with the Swift Boat gang as I have blogged in the past. Notice the tell-tale quote of Thomas Paine in the reference.

Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. For All Your Tooth, Shelter And Fraudulent President Needs

(Examiner) – Orly Taitz, the busy, Russian-born, California real estate agent-attorney-dentist who’s also leading the “Birther” movement in its feverish charge against the illegitimate presidency of America’s first non-American president, migrant Kenyan Barack Hussein Obama, has taken her quest for truth and sanity to the GOP holyland, the Internets! Whois Record

Administrative Contact:
      Private, Registration  
      Domains by Proxy, Inc.
      15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
      Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
      United States
      (480) 624-2599      Fax -- (480) 624-2598  

Minnesota Attack ads linked to Swift Boat lawyer and funder

(SourseWatch) – On November 3, 2006, the Associated Press reported that ASA-MN’s Hatch attack ads were connected to Benjamin Ginsberg, the Washington lawyer “who represented the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in the 2004 presidential campaign.”[32]

Ginsberg, who resigned in 2004 as a lawyer for President George W. Bush’s “campaign after acknowledging he was providing legal advice to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which made unsubstantiated allegations about Democratic candidate John Kerry’s Vietnam War record,” was also confirmed as being the lawyer for ASA-MN.[32]

In a December 19, 2006, follow-up, the Associated Press reported the same wealthy Houston, Texas, businessman, Bob Perry, who had helped finance the Swift Boat ads against Kerry, was the “main funder” behind ASA-MN. A “recent filing with the Internal Revenue Service” showed that Perry had contributed $500,000 to A Stronger America, whose Minnesota chapter had spent about $750,000 in its anti-Hatch campaign.[33]

ASA-MN spokesman Joe Weber said the “infusion of Texas cash” was wired into ASA’s bank account “about three weeks before the Nov. 7 election. That timing allowed the group to avoid reporting the contributions before the election.

“It also allowed the group to mount an extensive television campaign that it otherwise might not have been able to muster.”

Reluctantly Exposing Minnesota Democrats Exposed

I was shocked to see that Minnesota Democrats Exposed had been so careless as to make a blog posting with Michael Brodkorb’s name, e-mail and mobile phone number (see image below and this post in question). I didn’t understand at first; it took me about 15 minutes to figure out what had actually happened. This is a theory, but I think it holds a lot of weight. I want to thank Eva Young and her wonderful blog for making the allegation that Michael Brodkorb is MDE first.

Michael B Brodkorb Exposed

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