It’s not Headline News that Lou Dobbs has a credibility problem as a journalist. He’s long used his show on CNN as a platform to advance conspiracy theories. This particular gem is just one example:
“The invasion of illegal aliens is threatening the health of many Americans,” Mr. Dobbs said on his April 14, 2005, program. From there, he introduced his original report that mentioned leprosy, the flesh-destroying disease — technically known as Hansen’s disease — that has inspired fear for centuries.
According to a woman CNN identified as a medical lawyer named Dr. Madeleine Cosman, leprosy was on the march. As Ms. Romans, the CNN correspondent, relayed: “There were about 900 cases of leprosy for 40 years. There have been 7,000 in the past three years.”
“Incredible,” Mr. Dobbs replied.
Even more incredible is CNN’s President, Jonathan Klein, endorsing Lou Dobbs this week after he jumped head first into the Birther Movement swamp, going so far as to label Rachel Maddow a “tea-bagging queen” today after she called out his insanity:
In response to CNN’s continued support of conspiracy theorists like Dobbs, Media Matters released the following statement:
“It appears that Jon Klein stands alone as Lou Dobbs’ sole defender in the birther battle. Even Bill O’Reilly and Ann Coulter have jumped ship,” said Eric Burns, president of Media Matters. “How long will CNN allow Dobbs to devote airtime to a laughable conspiracy theory that even the most right-wing of media figures think is irresponsible?”
There’s a petition that has gathered over 15,000 signatures calling for CNN to restore some form of credibility over their programs (I know, I know…). It can be found at and offers this video roundup of Birthers being given traditional media attention:
As I tweeted yesterday, it’ll be highly ironic if Lou Dobbs’ career gets a signed death certificate as a result of questioning President Obama’s birth certificate. Stay tuned.
Here’s the link with Rachel’s response to Leprosy Lou’s tirade.
Well CNN lost Beck, so they needed Dobbs to push harder for the crazy demographic.
Southern Poverty Law Center is adding more pressure: Tell CNN to Stop Peddling Racist Propaganda
Doing the work of the devil … see my diary – Swift Boating the Birthers
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I wish the President and his family didn’t have to go through the birther crap. It’s so reprehensible.
they should stop pretending that they’re into anything other than entertainment. journalism is long gone.
Man Eegee – I have read your reporting on Lou Dobbs for some years now. I didn’t know who he was. It is noteworthy, imo, that now that Dobbs is going after Obama I am finding links to Dobbs all over the blogs I read.
I was reminded of some writing by Nanette which I thought was posted at BT, but I can’t find it.
In my memory she wrote about the importance of protecting the voiceless and poor, those that are unable to defend themselves, because those in power will make their initial forays for more control and power with those least able to defend themselves. If there is no defense, then the practice or mindset spreads as it becomes part of “just the way it is,” or “just the way it is done.”
Thank you for the link to the petition.
Sorry, but to my mind the only thing CNN sees in a petition is, “yay, more controversy, more viewers, higher rates.”
If you want to try an teach some lasting lessons, address CNN stockholders. Ask if they want their company’s future to rise or fall on the whims of an executive who is aligning the station with the lunatic fringe. Ask if they think damage like this can just blow over, or whether it leaves a permanent taint on the company’s image and credibility.
Dobbs is just a hired clown. If we really want a teaching moment to happen, Klein has to go.