Glen Beck loving Teabag terrorist, known on twitter as @ngenovese, arrested in Long Island scoping out a military base:
Glenn Beck Fan, Highly Armed, Busted For Casing National Guard Base, Thinking It Was A “FEMA Camp”
Taking a look at the background image of her twitter page removes any doubt about her teabagging. Much like many of the bigots, birthers and other crazies making up a good part of the Tea Party movement… She is way out there batshit loopy.
Think Progress delves into the mentality of Teabaggers:
Malkin Calls Right-Wing Tea Party Movement A `Counter-Insurgency’
This morning, right-wing blogger Michelle Malkin joined the ABC roundtable on This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Asked what the conservative opposition strategy is going to be this coming month while Congress is in recess, Malkin said there is a growing “tea party movement — these counterinsurgencies amongst taxpayer rights groups” — that is fomenting opposition to Obama’s health care plan.
Malkin claimed the Obama administration has “vastly underestimated just how grassroots this movement is.” Lawmakers are going to face “townhalls-gone-wild,” she added. Watch it:
The term “counter-insurgencies” does reveal the mentality of conservatives in opposition to Obama. Like Bill Kristol has said, the right wing is bluntly stating that it is going “for the kill.” Malkin has previously declare her hope that Obama fails.
Thought you should know. 🙂
Genovese, an unemployed single mom with no prior arrest record, was charged with trespassing.
She was arraigned yesterday afternoon at Southampton Town Justice Court, where a judge set bail at $50,000, and then ordered Genovese held for a psychiatric examination after she went berserk in the courtroom.
“She was hysterical — screaming and flailing around,” said Caracappa.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Of course they will say she is just crazy and not representative of the GOP and teabaggers. WRONG!
She is just crazy and IS representative of the GOP and teabaggers.
Has been thoroughly debunked by Think Progress, see my diary FreedomWorks and Armey’s Corporate Clients. Also the birther movement has been exposed – Swift Boating the Birthers.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Subtropolis at dkos.
The teabaggers are being bused-in to townhall meetings and the major insurance compaies are footing the bill. They are financed by the major health insurance providers. The major health insurance comapnies have even provided them with a blueprint for disruting the townhall meetings of democratic legislators. Anbody surprised?
Nope, and then Fox News reports on the swelling grassroots movement…
Grassroots movement:
Full of intelligent activists:
Aren’t they nice?