Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
Website of the Week: Spinning and Zooming-Creative Photography Ideas and Images with Bryan Peterson (YouTube vid).
This Week’s Theme: What is it? This is a game invented by NorthDakotaDem. All you do is post a picture and have people guess what it is. It can be a close-up of something that makes it tricky to recognize or something unusual that people might not recognize or a different view of a known scene or place or anything else you can dream up that you think will be fun to guess.
See comments section below for Andi’s and olivia’s What is it? |
Next Week’s Theme: Random. Whatever you feel like posting.
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When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
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It is done raining.
Still raining here in the north country, though. Good morning Andi!
Well that actually wasn’t rain. 🙂
Good morning Alice.
Wow – that’s a good one. Looks like dew on something …
Dew on a large cupholder.
Well the dew part is right.
Stone or concrete?
It’s metal. Some kind of rural tool left outside overnight — a familair scenario for yours truly.
Nope. But dada got it (see below)
looks molded, some kind water craft…canoe…kayak…?
paddle powered something
It is a canoe.
Still can’t tell if it’s the whole canoe or the canoe hole ..
It’s the front of the canoe — the pointed tip is just out of the picture.
Ah yes – I see it now. I’m standing on my head.
This should be easy.
Except I’m not sure what kind of plant it is. Maybe a yucca or aloe?
Really nice shot — love the pattern and the skim of light
Was thinking some sort of palm … love the pleating.
I’ll post the full one tomorrow. 🙂
A closeup shot of a Chinese fan dancer.
Palmetto frond?
Good !
Both these images are really lovely.
I’ll do my best and I’ve probably posted this here before but….”What is it?”
I kind of wish it was a clock because it would be a really cool design but it obviously isn’t. It looks like the kind of window you’d see in an art deco train station.
It’s actually a chandelier in the Franklin Institute:
But thanks for playing! I’m Guy Smiley – join us next time when we play “What is it?”
I love that shot — it’s such a great angle. And gorgeous ceiling detail on the second photo.
I would have never guessed. Great use on (no) perspective.
l remembered this one…still a wonderful shot ss.
I’m pretty sure those mean-looking quills belong to an echidna.
A short-beaked echidna, to be precise. They hibernate during the winter, especially the females nursing their puggles (a puggle is a baby monotreme). The males will be out and about soon hoping to find a female in her burrow and mate with her before she wakes up.
What sneaky little devils!
And yet the actual Devils are not so sneaky.
Interesting critters!
You know what — I not only don’t want to know what it is, I don’t want to ever see it IRL.
I was just listening to a story on the radio yesterday about how Mexicans make a dish from corn smut. Please tell me no one does that with this. 😉
mmmmm huitlacoche.
tastes like mushroom
I used to get that occasionally on the corn I grew in New Mexico. It’s not bad. It seemed to prefer the yellow sweet corns to the blue dent corns. I think that was because of the higher water content in the sweet corn kernels.
In general I’m a big fungus fan. Or at least I haven’t met one yet that I didn’t like.
Yep, that’s Fuligo septica, otherwise known at the “dog-vomit slime mould”.
I’ve read about a slime mould that learned to move a robot it was placed on away from the light. Not bad for communal organism. Beware the Blob!
Is this that stuff that Head posted a while back too — slim mould or something? I think people did eat it!
oops – slime mould.
If it was “slim” mould we’d probably all be eating it.
I’ve only seen one other slime mould on our property, and it was a bright red blob. It looked just like the fish roe you buy to use as bait (only with much smaller “eggs”).
Yes Olivia,
Simply delicious, like the cactus bloom I ate.
More of a where is it …
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Well I don’t know exactly where it is but I do know which sea that is. 🙂
Is that Odysseus I see on the horizon? I’m guessing we’re off of Greece somewhere?
Yep. It’s Oia, Santorini … sigh … 🙂
Where? In my dreams. Beautiful shot, Miss O!
LOL, me too ww … I dream about it often. 🙂
You got it d … That’s Oia up there. 🙂
the white structures at the top of the cliffs was the give away… kind of obvious, imo, esp given your travels last year.
lovely place.
kinda boring, but I haven’t had much to take pics of lately.
Kidney stone?
Well it’s pretty good — I can’t tell what they are.
thanks for the warning, but you might as well have put flashy neon signs that blinked “CLICK ME! CLICK ME!”
Oh … that’s really clever. I definitely had no idea.
Seconded — & I’m sure we both see these all the time, livin’ in the woods & all.
Great whatzit, SN!
That’s fantastic! Clever whatisit and a really, really kewl shot.
through the looking glass
The bright part looks like a painted stucco wall but I can’t figure out the dark part.
It’s a doorway to another room as seen in a mirror.
On this side of the doorway there’s a mushroom lampshade.
Wrong, eh?
Really neat d — love the lines and that colour.
it’s actually from outside looking in…it’s a scissor stair well. the wall that appears red is actually a warm off white colour, that’s illuminated/altered by the setting sun light bouncing off a chinese red wall that’s in front of it. the landing to the second floor aligns with the window frame cross bar and creates a ceiling, ergo, the wall above the landing is the actual wall colour.
here’s a shot of the area from farther back
ww’s “mushroom lampshade” is a ceramic bell.
Beautiful shot, dada! Very welcoming.
I wish for my entire life to be the color of that red ..
‘Who you callin’ grasshopper face?’
I’m not going to even say what the first thought that came into my head was. But you can probably guess.
Me too.
Sick people.
I lead the mind sometimes, to make people think those thoughts, through careful composition.
Sue me.
How`s everything Second Nature?
Things are a’changin, KH. Sometimes too fast, and sometimes not fast enough. Life, that.
Is that a carrion flower?
Ding Ding Ding.
Here you go, what I call a “Cadaver” plant.
worst case of varicose veins l’ve ever seen.
Shrimp claw?
That’s was I’m thinking too Bob.
what … not was.
BobX & Olivia,
Here`s the Coral Banded Shrimp from my reef.
Some sort of reptile. And leaves — I’m sure about the leaves.
That’s no reptile — that’s
my wifeCoconut! With either snack or avian fashion statement.WildernessWench,
You have it right.
I will post all the pix tomorrow morning.
It`s a really nice shot of a peace offering by my great friend, Coconut.
LOL ww — was thinking that was Coconut too.
A piece offering from my great friend, Coconut, who is not reptilian.
Not currently, anyway.
So glad I recognized your friend!
Olivia & WildernessWench,
Here`s the wonderful boy.
That is a truly great shot, ‘Head. He really is magnificent.
Wilderness Wench,
Plus he`s my good buddy.
We communicate very well.
I know his body language, & he knows mine.
It`s an amazing connection.
You’re both very lucky!
Hey, Mr. Spaceman…
Really close.
Well I think it’s a fish but that’s about it.
It’s a bird beak.
Hurria & RiaD,
Here`s your correct guess.
I like the very simple background for this one & the one of Coconut. Both birds are presented as classic works of art, which is pretty great.
#7… a baby bird
I believe you mean Chupacabra, no?
The Chupacabra.
Wilderness Wench greets another caffeine-free morning, courtesy Homeland Security.
An Ent from Tolkien.
Ding Ding Ding
Here`s the full shot.
An airliner doing a flyby of the lunar eclipse.
It was a miracle that I captured it, since I was on a timed shutter & also a long exposure.
I had to figure where the plane would be ten seconds before the shutter opened.
I debated what to do but knew I had no time to change settings. I also knew the plane was out of it`s normal path, & figured it was flying to show it`s passengers the eclipse.
Finally I just clicked & hoped.
The waves in the lines are a result of atmospheric layering.
This was at about three AM.
l always imagined black holes as amorphous entities, not geometric shapes.
Road sign, rear.
Graphic computer image of Dubya’s brain activity.
With or without Cheney’s hand up his rear .. ?
Somebody’s antennae/intergalactic golf clubs.
Well those were a bunch of stumpers … which doesn’t surprise me at all. Your regular photos over at your place can stump me without even trying.
I will post all the solutions tomorrow morning.
That`s why they are numbered, so even I can keep track.
well…. yummmm!
What strange bird stands a lonely post for its absent master?
looks like a found object sculpture of a turkey vulture…or a very weird wind sock.
Interesting that you replied first, since its somewhat close to you.
Wow! What a great form. Looks like something that’s strayed from its original purpose due to weather.
Hint: The bird is located in Pitkin County.
thanks for the hint, but aspen/pitkin county ain’t that close. haven’t been over there in some time.
it’s still a mystery to me.
Well, I meant close as compared to the distance from Indiana and from your place to Woody Creek. Although I don’t know for sure, the vulture looks like it might have been inspired by Ralph Steadman.
now l got it!…owl farm…hst’s place outside woody creek.
there’s two of them
Yep! That shot was taken some years ago, when the good doctor was still in residence.
I’m sure glad you and dada got this settled before I even had to take a guess because I had no ideas.
I was a big HST and Steadman fan in my younger, angrier days. I guess I’m still angry, but in a serene sort of way, if that makes any sense.
A fistful o’ whatzis!
Bonus! Guess the celebrity/vacation locale!
#2- a telephone pole in the snow w/its shadow & elec lines shadow
#3- curtains blowing in a shaft of sunlight
#4- reflections in a motel window on a rainy day
#5- life preservers
#6- the jiggey that works the heat ventilator on a greenhouse
#7- roads
What great guesses! So interesting to see what you see in these. You’re right about 2 & 7, only partially right about 4 (it has to do with a reflection in glass).
Let’s see if these inspire a few more guesses & I’ll post answers to the puzzles some time tomorrow — if at all possible with rural dial-up plus tornado(e)s.
You know what I just remembered about playing this game in the cafe — how terrible I was at it. Bob’s already guessed the only two I would have made an attempt at.
And even though I haven’t got any idea what Three is, I really like the photo.
I like this game because the word ‘terrible’ doesn’t really apply. I think it’s great to stretch one’s perspective. That’s how I mis-spent my youth, after all.
For an object lesson regarding said youth, see Three below.
this is cropped from here
this is cropped from here
Beautiful creatures — lovely shots!
I thought that was a fowl crop.
Great foolery.
How do you like it here?
One benefit of this game is that people’s choices help you see all the detail you regularly overlook — I really enjoyed your contributions to my continuing education in paying attention.
Damascus, Syria
I don’t believe I can say who they are, but the light they live in seems delicious.
Well I don’t know who they are but it’s quite interesting to see where they are. I like the way you framed the second picture a lot.
Her secrets revealed.
The call of the wild.
This modern world.
Portrait of the artist as a tired old fart.
Your mileage may vary.
Light on yon tractor brake.
Geodesic gazebo in progress.
Out of Asheville.
G.I. Joe goes to the beach.
Geodesic gazebo in progress.
Further progress.
l can’t figure out the connection between #3 here, and #3 in your original post…colour me dense.
an interesting set, nonetheless.
It’s the shirt, with a change in size for detail’s sake.
I’m sure you found the lady’s face so captivating in the original that you missed the shirt completely. Quite understandable.
Well this old geezer thinks the old fart looks pretty damn fine. 🙂
That’s very nice of you to say, dear.
However, I’m tempted to ask you what you’ve been smoking.
No, she’s right.
I don’t know how to say it without it coming out wrong…it’s a very “lived in” face, and that’s a good thing! There are a thousand stories in that face.
“There are a thousand stories in that face.”
And the wisdom gained from living them shines through.
Thanks, folks. You’re both very kind.
I love looking at the pictures but I am so very bad at figuring out what they are. It looks like some sort of roof with vents but I don’t think that’s what it is.
I always think of this as a photo of a ‘city of the future’ say the year 2100, out in the desert. 😉
I’ll disclose the original photo later when I change computers.
Here’s the original. A modern apartment building in Paris. 😉
Very clever!
Very well done.
A European version of Running Fence?
This looks very much like Lego’s.