Muslims, like Jews, circumcise their male children. Circumcision is much rarer in the Christian world (as there is no religious mandate for it) but it did become quite normal in the mid-to-late 20th-Century among American Christians. Barack Obama’s father came from an Islamic background and may have wanted his son to be circumcised. Or not. Either way, the procedure was sometimes done in the United States as a matter of routine (i.e., without even consulting the parents). It’s probably fair to say that circumcision was the default procedure in some hospitals unless the parents had some objection. Now, the Birthers are wondering about the status of the Barenis (or Obenis). Is it cut or whole?
These fools think that an uncut Barenis will prove that Obama was not born in a Hawai’ian hospital. That’s kind of amusing if you think about it, because the Barenis would certainly be cut if he was born in a Kenyan hospital. After all, his Kenyan family was Muslim, remember? The best proof that Obama in not a secret Muslim and was not born in Kenya would be if he was uncircumcised. But they think the opposite. Why? Because they’re stupid and demented.
Obenis Envy?
…so I suppose this post was a ‘rhetorical fun’ post, eh?
Same as with the Birth Cert–if it appears legit then it must be forged, and the clear forgeries get held up, hailed as legit.
What we have a re low-information, low-education, low-brows who cannot accept what they see as untermenschen in a position where they have power over ubermenschen. I’ll be ‘rhetorically correct’…this time.
The hysteria will no go away unless it gets rughlessly mocked in very public forums and the Media (hence, it will never go away). Sooner or later (probably before the end of this year) some candidate for frontal lobotomy will take a shot at the President—and I pray to the Flying Spaghetti monster he misses
oops–phat-phingered “ruthlessly”
Did they really circumcise without notifying the parents at one time? I just find that hard to believe. IIRC the OB/GYN would just assume you wanted it done, but I can’t believe they’d do any type of procedure without permission. Of course that has nothing to do with your post, or how incredibly unhinged those funny wingers are.
I’ve heard that anecdotally but that was before my time.
they probably just snuck it in there when discussing their fees and the parents didn’t listen.
Before my daughter was born (1967), our doctor was discussing his fees and added “of course if the baby is a boy, it will cost $10 more”. It was the normal thing, considered very hygienic and as far as I know, only uncircumcised men get penile cancer. At least that’s what I’ve read.
Yeah, that’s what my doc said too…wherein I applied the brakes.
Here’s the American Cancer Society’s position on penile cancer and circumcision: LINK
They know more than I. The only man I, personally, know that had penile cancer was uncircumcised, but you can’t generalize from a sample of one. Unless you’re a Republican, of course, who can generalize from a sample of zero.
you think they’re unhinged now, wait until they roll this into the whole birther, obamacare, socialized medicine brouhaha: Public health officials are considering promoting routine circumcision for all baby boys born in the United States.
it’ll drive ’em over the cliff.
Seems strange that they would weigh that recommendation when they admit it won’t affect transmission rates here in the US….only somewhat in developing countries. If I believed in God I’d wonder why he’d put that little thing there if it needed to be whacked off at birth.
A man I used to know said that you’re not supposed to cut it off, you’re supposed to wear it off. He certainly tried!
let’s fast forward to the usurper’s inevitable end, shall we?
Jeez, can’t we just amuse ourselves wondering whether he wears boxers or briefs?
you should know by now that they don’t wear briefs in Kenya.
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Ya know, Romans went crazy from drinking out of lead cups. I wonder which food additive is responsible for this widespread dementia in the American Empire. It would be interesting to know if all the birthers eat a particular brand of hot dog or drink the same flavor of kool-aid. Or maybe they all had one too many Pixie Stixs when they were kids…
That’s a target rich environment. I’m guessing Moon Pies and Big Red soda.
they are some crazy muthafuckas.
The Clenis,
The Obenis,
With the wingnuts, all thoughts lead to the groin. It would be funny if it were not so twisted.
They have both a religion and a social ideology built largely upon sexual repression and domination. What the heck else are they going to think about?
Jesus, Muhammad, and Buddha. Every time I think they can’t stoop any lower, they prove me wrong once again. These people truly have no shame.
I have to go with Sully on this one. Circumcision is Male Genital Mutilation and should not be done without the consent of the cutting party.
Ordinarily, I wouldn’t comment on this particular matter, but since we’ve already had mentions of both Barack Obama’s and Bill Clinton’s penis — which latter I hope to outlive mention of — let me just say that as a circumcised male, if I had not been circumcised at birth, I would a) consider my parents to have been very mildly neglectful, and b) have it circumcised as an adult. That said, I’m not sure it matters a whole bunch either way beyond personal preference since the invention of soap, unlike when Herodotus noted that the ancient Egyptians, as opposed to the ancient Greeks, preferred “to be clean rather than comely”.
I will say that I am glad it happened before my brain was developed enough to form permanent memories.
The comparison with female genital mutilation, however, is absurd. FGM is designed to prevent sexual pleasure altogether, whereas both circumcised and uncircumcised males have no inherent problem getting off, generally so readily that premature ejaculation is an issue for a large proportion of men.
Neglectful? You’ve got to be kidding. How about well-informed and conscientious? How about respecting the rights of an individual to have unnecessary surgery performed on his penis without his consent?
Hell for all we know, his parents made him eat his own foreskin after he was circumcised 😛
Well, it’s all about the Obenis, if you ask me.