Muslims, like Jews, circumcise their male children. Circumcision is much rarer in the Christian world (as there is no religious mandate for it) but it did become quite normal in the mid-to-late 20th-Century among American Christians. Barack Obama’s father came from an Islamic background and may have wanted his son to be circumcised. Or not. Either way, the procedure was sometimes done in the United States as a matter of routine (i.e., without even consulting the parents). It’s probably fair to say that circumcision was the default procedure in some hospitals unless the parents had some objection. Now, the Birthers are wondering about the status of the Barenis (or Obenis). Is it cut or whole?

These fools think that an uncut Barenis will prove that Obama was not born in a Hawai’ian hospital. That’s kind of amusing if you think about it, because the Barenis would certainly be cut if he was born in a Kenyan hospital. After all, his Kenyan family was Muslim, remember? The best proof that Obama in not a secret Muslim and was not born in Kenya would be if he was uncircumcised. But they think the opposite. Why? Because they’re stupid and demented.