Comes from Powerline’s Assrocket:
Having read the CIA report in its entirety, I am struck once again by how humane our treatment of captured terrorists was intended to be, and generally was. The handful of incidents highlighted by press accounts of the report came to light precisely because they were reported as deviations from the treatment of detainees that had been authorized by DOJ lawyers.
Having read the few parts of the CIA report that aren’t blacked out, I am struck by how the Bush administration convinced people to abandon all pretense of human rights.
It’s easy when you’re a selfish right-leaning asshole.
Dick Cheney talks to the Weekly Standard:
all the assrocket did was to openly state the wingnuts position and that is not surprising. That did you expect? given the openly insane position that is now being presented by fox, the wsj and the rest of the prop machine, it shouldn’t surprise anyone. what it does show is that this country is at the crossroad. if anyone thinks that the future holds any rpomise for a compassionate, caring design, then they had better get their shit kickers on and start shovelling out the garbage that they are being fed.
i hate to say it Boo but this one has just begun and the struggle will be a real long one.
Nothing like a bunch of fools whose own hindsight is the only thing that is worse than their foresight.
More kool-aide-anyone?