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- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
I have to work for a few hours tomorrow morning, so it’s not Friday for me yet…
How is everyone on this fine, wet morning?
the crickets in that picture chirping…
Wow, it is really quiet around here, isn’t it?
if everyone is okay…or the power was off in Brown COunty. 🙂
How was your Thursday? Mine was good, except I went shopping and bought everything I needed except carrots. And I was planning on baking cake tonight.
carrot cake? You only forgot the carrots for a carrot cake?
pregnancy brain…I have a feeling that this baby may be helping us re-enact a certain scene from Raising Arizona someday…
Haha…nice to have something to blame it on. 🙂
Maybe you can make a Mock Carrot Cake out of Ritz crackers…
Ritz crackers??? I think that only works as a replacement for apple pie..
I sent CBtE and his friend out for the carrots.
What’s going on in your neck of the woods? It was downright chilly here today.
Not much going on. Weather should be perfect for an outdoor concert (TMBG) at the art museum Saturday and hoping to get the last of the summer tomatoes at the farmer’s market tomorrow. I lead such an exciting life.
I’m jealous about your TMBG concert – I read that somewhere else earlier today, and just happened to be listening to them on my ipod when i read it.
See that’s why God* made teenagers — to give parents someone to run errands.
* euphemism. This is a family cafe.
When I worked at a snack bar, I once made a banana split without a banana. I blame on it the fact that I was working in a snack bar. If I’d been working in a mortuary, none of the “customers” would have ever asked for a banana split.
LOL, that was a logical step in the thought process. Maybe I should work at a mortuary, no one would ever complain and then I wouldn’t have to hate them and wish them dead.
I always thought that being the night clerk at a motel would be a kind of nice way to avoid people (but with my luck it would probably turn out to be a horrible way to meet drunks).
And nervous stick-up guys.
Seems reasonable. 🙂
I’ve done quite a few airheady things lately.
Yeah but pregnant women can get a way with stupid stuff and everybody just goes “hormones” — the rest of us just have to be dumb shits.
I blame my brain lapses on the swallows building a nest outside my window, the plethora of birds singing in the trees, the dogs playing in the yard, and the bunny napping in the sun.
Thinking is the distraction, not the other way around.
Sound eminently reasonable. Spring always affects me that way. I can barely stand to be in the house.
When I went for a walk yesterday I spotted two new patches of greenhood orchids. But the best part of the walk was the vocal competition between the Golden whistler, the Gray Shrike-thrush and the Yellow-throated honeyeater – literally right above my head. The thrush should have won (they’re considered one of the best song birds in Australia), but the whistler had a female chorusing with him and was putting on a spectacular show to keep her attention.
I am jealous of your huge variety of fascinating birds.
One of the advantages of living on an island. For some reason islands tend to have lots of birds, and few predators.
We need some payoff for lumbering around like beached whales…
I have to run into the office for the morning. See everyone around lunchtime!
What about potato peelings?
Sorry to break the silence & run. Had a meeting to go to. I spent 2 hours meeting with IT this morning and picked up about 10 min. worth of useful information.
Our SQL server was set up incorrectly in that temp files were being written to the same drive as the one where the program files reside, the upshot being we began getting drive full messages yesterday. Got the big shutdown this morning and were without our database manager all day. When I left work at 4, the geeks were conferencing with the MS SQL team trying to figure out how to do the nescessary redirect to another drive. <sigh>
Hope tomorrow isn’t another mostly wasted day:(
The theme is Things that Sparkle.
To join the glow, just click here. 😉
and still hasn’t recovered. I can hear my echo in here.
Good morning!
Well, a bit too much vino last night in my case – but it was a fun dinner.
Hi ask. Fun dinner and lots of wine — sounds fun.
Have re-adjusted to being back in the States?
Pretty much, I guess – though I still hit the sack quite early (10-ish) given the chance.
I’m lucky to make it to 9-ish the past few days. Too much stuff going on.
How was the birthday party? And the carrot cake?
The party was good, very low-key. We had steaks on the grill, a little red wine, and a yummy cake (which I just had a nibble of for breakfast.).
Unfortunately, I fell asleep around 9-930. I think I made it through all of Bill Moyers..
What’s up at your place today? I’m headed off to yoga class later this morning.
Usual nothing going on here … which is pretty much how I like it.
Good morning all! Not so quiet here later, with the community picnic and outhouse races going on down the block from us today.
I loved the “streets to overflow with running toilets” headline in the Democrat.
That’s funny!
Ooh, sounds like we need pictures of that. 🙂
We’ll see what transpires in that area. Glad to hear the party went well. Any carrot cake left over? Its one of my favorites!
I agree with CG. You need to be out there with your camera. And next week’s Foto Flogging them is Random so you’ve got the perfect place to them. 🙂
I have a perfect Random from Mrs. ID’s camera. She wants everyone to see it!
Hey, this was my big day to sleep in. 🙂
I’m no big fan of country music, but it was sad to hear the first on-scene fire report about an hour and a half ago that the Little Nashville Opry was fully engulfed in fire. The Opry has been a major economic draw to our community since 1975 and now its gone.
Some of the acts that have performed there over the years:
Kenny Rogers
Brenda Lee
Charley Pride
Roy Clark
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Charlie Daniels
Johnny Cash
EmmyLou Harris
Everly Brothers
Earl Scruggs
Kingston Trio
Jerry Lee Lewis
Hank Williams, Jr.
Old fire horse that I am, I’m listening to the fire command channel for familiar voices, hoping everyone makes it home safe after they’re done with this job tonight.
On-scene report and fire photos
Oh that is so sad. But I’m sure they’ll rebuild it.
I was glad to see in the Democrat story that there were no injuries.
Its always a relief to know that nobody was hurt at one of these. There’s a large fuel tank around back of the building that could have become a big problem. Also, the motel next door could have easily become involved as well. I’m really proud of the job the firefighters did on this one.
Good morning all. Back from LI. Our family holiday get-together doesn’t seem to have left any permanent scars. 😉
Glad you survived to tell the tale:)
It’s no small feat.
I’m very happy for you, b2.
Me, I think I suffered permanent scars just from living there (’62 – ’70).
Then again Bebo looks forward to riding in the car to the end of the drive when I take out the trash, so I think we can agree her judgment is suspect.
click for larger
Good morning!
We had an absolutely fabulous weekend here and this morning looks just as promising.
Morning ask.
We had a lovely Saturday but Sunday was very rainy and there’s more rain predicted for the week. OTOH, it’s been dry here so the rain isn’t unwelcome.
Rainy day = napping and slacking, not so bad IMHO;-)
Didn’t work that way for us — we were in Cincy packing up my m-i-l’s apartment and moving her stuff to storage in the rain (she’s in a nursing home right now with a bad stress fracture in one leg and we’re hoping she’ll be able to go to assisted living once it heals).
Sorry to hear of that. Surely painful for your mil, and a difficult transition for all.
Thanks ask. It has been really hard for her to lose her mobility and independence.
I’m very sorry to hear this, Andi. Here’s hoping for the very best possible outcome.
My grandmother used to offer this advice to me repeatedly: ‘Don’t get old.’
(She lived to be 100, with the mind of an infant.)
Yeah, getting old isn’t for the timid. But as they say “consider the alternative”. My m-i-l is 87 and my mom is 88 and though they are both having memory problems, they are still doing pretty good mind-wise, for which I am very grateful.
It looks gorgeous here too. I hope Andi’s weather waits a little while before coming to us.
You might be okay — the rain was moving northeast but more north than east.
Right now, there’s no rain on our radar which will make the dogs happy since it means we’ll get a walk in this morning.
Ah, remind not to tempt the weather gods — now a little rain shower has popped out. But the dogs don’t care so I guess I’ll go get the rain gear and go.
Thank you for another perfectly beautiful image, Andi.
Not too much color yet, I see. We’re getting outrageous color here — about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Probably due to chilly nights.
We have just the teeniest bit of color down here and the nights are finally starting to be cool enough to open the windows. Glory be. 🙂
It’s consistently been way cooler than normal here for about the last 6 weeks and I’ve loved. We barely had the air conditioning on from mid-August on.
Pardon? What is this thing you call ‘air conditioning’?
O wait, isn’t that the thing that helps folks in Florida breathe without straining?
Ahh .. luscious!
That was take almost two weeks ago so there are more signs of fall now which is bit early too — generally we don’t start getting serious till mid-October.
That’s peak time here. Judging by what we’re seeing now, peak will either be beautifully protracted or just sort of a dullish denouement.
I’m terrible at predicting what the fall will be like. I thought last year would be really bad because we had almost no rain from late July till early October but it was one of the most gorgeous falls we’ve ever had. This year it was cool and wet until September which has stayed cool but was rather dry and we also had a huge storms that did tremendous damage. I think it might be one of those falls where leaves go mostly brown and come down right away. I hope I’m wrong because I do love (duh) a glorious autumn.
I hope it’s not one of those dull ones, but I think we’re supposed to have one of those extended falls with no really cold weather until the end this year.
We already have dull red in a lot of trees here.
(psst…do you have a pic for a new cafe?)
How about the picture of Bebo at the start of this thread?
There’s a small amount of dull red and brown with a smattering of yellow out there now, which is very early.
Good morning all. Gloomy here with rain possible later. No fall color yet that I can see.
Yup, I was just out and the pavement was wet – only a few drops, though – the sun is out now.
No rain here today – just gloomy & humid.
I lied – it just poured for several minutes!
It’s been raining pigs and horses, all day! I love it.
I’m not sure I’d appreciate fauna falling from the sky, but we did get another two inches of rain in the last 24 hours.
Imogen and I took a walk this morning to see the “raging rivers” that our very ephemeral creeks have become. We spotted whole patches of hundreds of orchids which are just coming up and will likely bloom in the next week or so.
Today looks to be clearing, and gorgeous.
Sounds gorgeous. I”m looking forward to the pics of the orchids. 🙂
So far we only have the greenhood species in bloom, so the current crop of photos are less than stunning. But I think I spotted quite a few Leopard orchids, which should open within the week. There are also pink, white, and purple ones in the offing, with maybe a few blue Sun-orchids to follow. The really weird bug-imitating ones come up in the Fall.
The first of hundreds of Nodding Greenhood orchids we saw this morning.
(My Nikon is in the shop, so I’m afraid I only have my Cannon Powershot to take photos with.)
Oh I love spring, even vicariously. I can’t wait to see the pictures of all those orchids in bloom.
I’ve put off buying a new PC all summer, but time is running out on my 10 year old machine. I’m looking at a Micro Express – anyone ever heard of ’em?
Not familiar with them. Any reason for not getting a brand name such as Dell? Much cheaper? And why a PC?
I have always had PCs, but got both kids Macs over the last year. I’m probably going that way at the next replacement.
I would definitely endorse that decision! I got acquainted with computers through Dell, but I didn’t enjoy using a computer ’til I got a Mac.
Sorry — not Dell, but Gateway. The computer belonged to a young tyke of my acquaintance.
When it was time to buy my own, an early-adapter friend of mine recommended the Mac I still use today.
My son just made a Hackintosh and loves it very much!
Clue me, o luscious one. Vas ist der Hackintosh?
Also, how’s yer weather? I’ve heard that some NC counties experienced flooding today. Certainly hope it wasn’t y’all.
Western NC has been getting it for days, but here in Raleigh we’ve been dry…until today. I estimate we’ve had maybe 3 inches today, with small stream flooding, nothing major.
A Hackintosh is a PC that you modify to run the Mac OS…in this case Snow Leopard.
Here’s hoping nothing major reaches you ’til this systerm’s passed.
I see there’s been some flooding in Asheville.
Hadn’t heard about PC>Mac modification. How great! Congratulations to your boy on the Snow Leopard OS. The system I’m on is pre-jungle cat names. Maybe a three-legged alley cat.
Yeah, my friend in Asheville said there is a lot of flooding, and his truck has been stuck in the apple orchard since Saturday.
Oh no! Hope he’s got some other wheels.
To Self: (See? Asheville is not, in fact, a magical land where only good things happen. Quit those ‘triumphant return’ fantasies pronto!)
Unfortunately it must also be the server for Mrs. ID’s business network, for which Mac based software isn’t available.
That seems to be the major drawback of Macs. I run Adobe for my graphic production, and they don’t make a mac version.
We actually get our computers made to order (selecting all the bits and pieces we want and getting some nerd [usually a University IT student] to do the assembly), rather than going through any one company.
We’ve been spoiled by a local guy who built all our PCs that way for about 15 years, but now his POS software business has overwhelmed all his other operations. Guess we’re on our own:(
I found these people while web surfing. They’ve been around the business PC world for quite a while and so far I hear the product is good. I tried doing a Dell comparison and the Dell cost was almost twice as much. BTW, we have some new Dells at the office and I don’t care for them nearly as much as the one my friend built for me. Maybe its the old familiarity. I am quite an obsessive critter of my computing layouts and habits.
Please click on the following link and vote for the Hamtramck/Harper Woods game. I work at Hamtramck and am the Student Council adviser. It’s our homecoming on Friday and it would be cool to have the game broadcast.
Done (if my Australian IP didn’t get spotted).
Me too. Looks like you’re in the lead by a nose!
All done. Hope that lead holds.
Thanks everybody. I’m going to check how the results are going.
which means I get a big reward for my BCRoD time — dinner with Mary tonight!
Please tell Mary the IDs send their greetings!
I will be glad to.