I was a bit surprised to see this headline on Yahoo News a few minutes ago:
AP NewsBreak: Nuke agency says Iran can make bomb
VIENNA – Experts at the world’s top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press.
The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency’s leaders share Washington’s views on Iran’s weapon-making capabilities. […]
So, I looked around a bit more and found this from Reuters:
IAEA denies report it is sure Iran seeking atom bomb
VIENNA (Reuters) – The U.N. nuclear watchdog said Thursday it had no proof that Iran has or once had a covert atomic bomb program, dismissing a news report that it had concluded Iran was on its way to producing nuclear weapons.
In a statement, the International Atomic Energy Agency reaffirmed IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei’s September 9 warning that allegations the agency was sitting on undeniable evidence of Iranian bomb work were “politically motivated and baseless.”
AP demonstrates yet again that it has become a disinformation agency, shilling for special interests.
Their story cites anonymous sources and is unsigned.
It appears to be the so-called “secret annex” on Iran’s nuclear program that Washington says is being withheld by the IAEA’s chief.
(Times Online) Sept. 8, 2009 – French and Israeli foreign ministries have alleged that key information was left out of the IAEA’s latest report.
France and Israel have led the charge against Dr ElBaradei, saying that his latest report on Iran’s nuclear programme omitted evidence that the agency had been given about an alleged covert weaponisation plan.
The Israeli Foreign Ministry said that the report did not reflect all that the agency knew about Iran’s “efforts to continue to pursue its military programme”.
France went farther, alleging the existence of an unpublished annexe that addresses the evidence that Iran may be building an atom bomb.
Bernard Kouchner, the French Foreign Minister, said that France had attended a technical briefing that covered the material, so was surprised to find it missing from the report.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Obviously very serious if ElBaradei’ denial is false, but it seems unlikely.
From Carl Bernstein’s Rolling Stone article “The CIA and the Media”:
It’s now AP vs. AP on this story:
See Pamela Hess’s updated report, noting that a new report shows Iran’s nuclear capability is still years away.
And then there is this comprehensive analysis – from tomorrow’s Asia Times:
excellent analysis…highly rec’d, as is a.times in general. their reporting on the situation in the middle east, and pakistan and afghanistan in particular, is second to none.
Hey Ask, I highly recommend the Upton Sinclair book “The Brass Check” (it’s legally free online). He shows in great detail what punks the AP were and this was 100 years ago 🙂
Funny how this story comes out the right when the Obama admin is eliminating the ridiculous East European Missile defense deployments Bush wanted so badly.
Wanted to be tough with the commies just like daddy during his CIA years and under Reagan. George’s advisors were all cold war cowards still pulling the strings of errant foreign policy.
BRUSSELS, August 11 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s NATO envoy said the new secretary general of the alliance had reaffirmed his commitment to ending the “dark chapter” in the history of relations with Russia.
“Mr. [Anders Fogh] Rasmussen thoroughly studied the Russia-NATO dossier, which is yet further confirmation of his earlier pledge to end the dark chapter in our relations and promote extensive cooperation between NATO and Russia,” Dmitry Rogozin said after a meeting with the secretary general.
U.S. and NATO to link missile shield with Russia
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
the timing gets even funnier especially when things like this happen immediately afterwards;
unfortunately, everyone seems to be using the AP version:
Nuclear conference criticizes Israeli nukes
it appears that the years of ongoing acquiescence to israel’s petulance and duplicity, vis-à-vis their not so secret nuclear weapons program is beginning to seriously erode.
an interesting turn of events, to say the least.
Didn’t Obama send Medvedev a “secret” letter offering to drop the missile shield in return for supporting the U.S. position vis a vis Iran?
Wonder if a secret deal was struck.
Excellent recall!
Russia Welcomes Letter From Obama
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I had a little chuckle when I noticed we both posted similarly at the same time…
(NY Times) Mar. 3, 2009 – According to a New York Times report, Mr. Obama’s secret letter suggested a missile defense system in Eastern Europe might be unnecessary if Moscow helped in blocking Iran’s progress toward building long-range missiles.
Medvedev spokeswoman Nataliya Timakova said that Mr. Obama’s letter was in response to one from Medvedev and that the Kremlin appreciated the “positive” spirit of Mr. Obama’s message.
Russia, Israel play down Mideast differences
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."