The Indiana Court of Appeals has ruled Indiana’s restrictive voter ID law unconstitutional. In a 3 – 0 decision last Thursday, the court agreed with arguments by League of Women Voters attorneys that the law was discriminatory.
Based on the foregoing, we conclude that the Voter I.D. law violates Indiana Constitution Article 1, Section 23, and must be declared void because it regulates voters in a manner that is not uniform and impartial.
The decision provoked a petulant press conference with our governor folksie, who delivered a not-so-well-thought-out condemnation of the court. The remarks prompted an enjoyable brendan class rant
by Indy’s Doghouse Riley.
We’re Ready For Your Close-Up, Governor Whiny Titty Baby Pissy Pants
…Instead Daniels sputters and spittles like a schoolboy whose depantsing on the playground has revealed a pair of his sister’s panties. That pathetic little hissy fit is one that Hoosiers have seen over and over from the man, whenever he’s challenged, fer chrissakes, whenever someone calls into question the apodictic superiority of his Enormous Brain. Although I must admit that yesterday came as something of a shock, at least to me; his handlers had pretty much kept this sort of thing under wraps ever since his approval ratings nose-dived in his first term.
“Why do rich guys like this get into politics?” asks Riley.
After five years of his reign, four-and-one-half of them spent sick to death of his megalomania, it’s impossible to watch him fumble for words, then come up with worse than nothing, without seeing those uh uh and uhs as Daniels trying to calculate how much wingnuttery he can play out without being arrested for fishing without a license. He’s not stupid. But, as I’ve said before, trying to figure out some core Daniels value, some reason why he’s a politician, instead of just another rich guy showing off at his favorite restaurant by sending the wine back, is like staring in the eyes of a chicken. He’s like a guy who starts a small business, not to get rich, not for love of his product, but just so he can fire minimum-wage earners at will.
Emphasis mine
I can think of quite a few on the national stage right now that fit that description, you betcha!
The Indiana Bar Association was not amused by the little guv’s dissing of the court and issued a statement Friday.
Bar Association slaps Daniels for judge criticism
The Bar Association said in a statement Friday that there are rules that govern judicial conduct and that comments about individual judges are “not the way to express disagreement with any court opinion.”
GOP minionsSecretary of State Todd Rokita and Attorney General Greg Zoeller vow to take the case to the Indiana Supremes, but for now, we’re celebrating our victory.
“We are grateful that the Indiana Court of Appeals has, at least for the time being, put a stop to legislative efforts to single out and burden a class of voters — those who vote in-person — without reasonable or justifiable cause and without any evidence that these burdens were necessary,” said Erin Kelley, president of the Indianapolis League of Woman Voters.
And if they don’t win the appeal, I’m sure they’ll just make it harder for people who are voting absentee rather than drop the I.D. requirements because, after all, any law that makes it harder for elderly nus to vote is surely preventing a lot of dastardly vote fraud.
great news!