Barack Obama told Stephanopoulos he hasn’t paid a whole lot of attention to the whole ACORN thing, although did see at least one of the videos.
OBAMA: George, this is not the biggest issue facing the country. It’s not something I’m paying a lot of attention to.
But it’s a really, really big deal to George. It’s all his viewers wanted him to ask about.
On the evening news just now, right after a clip of the Stephanopoulos interview, Chuck Todd did a stand in front of the White House comment. He said Baucus was marking up his bill and it could be ready for a vote as early as Thursday.
Is it my imagination, or has Baucus gone from stalling as long as possible to suddenly wanting to get a bill out as soon as possible? Could it possibly have something to do with Massachusetts moving ever closer to appointing an interim Senator and 60th Democrat to Teddy’s seat?
I think that might be a “committee” vote on Thursday. I doubt that it will be ready for a full-Senate vote. Judging by the (Baucus) bill that K Street crapped out of their collective asses last week (and I really doubt Baucus has even read,) it’s hopefully not going anywhere. No one likes it. It’s really a 600+ Billion dollar per year giveaway to the Health Insurance Industry and an END to Democratic majorities in both houses, the way it’s structured.
Um… $60 Billion/year giveaway, not $600 Billion. Whoops.
Yeah, I took that to mean a committee vote but still, how damn long has the world as we know it been waiting with bated breath for something, anything, to come out of Baucus’ committee? Then, seems to me, the more likely a positive outcome on the Mass. interim appointment has become, the faster the Baucus molasses seems to be moving. Coincidence? I think not.
From The Bobblehead Translator re: ACORN
The rest is so dead-on. I wasn’t able to see “This Week” until 4 PM (pacific) because of the stupid NASCAR “races” today.
That Snuffiluffigus guy is such a weasel and his “Millionaire’s Roundtable” that evaluates the week’s events (the second half of the show) should be mocked weekly on SNL… it is so over-the-top elitist. George Will AND “Crazy Peggy” Noonan in the same room at the same time whining about how the negro president is handling his job and how “real folk” (which they understand SO well) are receiving it?
I recall that GS let the accusation slide when moderating a primary debate that Ayers was somehow applauding the 9/11 attacks, a misunderstanding that developed (with help) because an interview of him was published in the NY Times on that day. No serious journalist would have failed to point out that Ayers’ comments had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks and were from a prior interview about Vietnam protests.
Why didn’t I like Hillary? Stephanopoulos was one of a number of past and present associates of the Clintons that turned out to be an utter scum bag.